• General Discussion
  • Now that EVGA is done with GPUs, this Forum is kind of a lonely place (p.2)
2022/10/30 17:36:29
Here is a good place to start
JayzTwoCents - YouTube


Gamers Nexus
Actually Hardcore Overclocking

Not saying I disagree, but what makes you say that about Jay (I'm truly curious)

has lots of ego
is rude to, swears at, or bans his fans if they disagree on something
seeks praise and recognition
operates as a one-man show
collaborates with people I don't respect
has published a lot of content showing off his wealth which isn't very interesting
just all around makes me not respect or be interested in his opinion

I'll add that he makes mistakes.
When he reviews a product that I have already researched I find him saying things that are wrong. I don't believe he reads the manuals.
Plus he often gets technical details wrong.
2022/10/31 11:43:06
Facebook/Twitter/Discord/Reddit and Overclock.
2022/11/29 18:15:59
Facebook/Twitter/Discord/Reddit and Overclock.

I like EVGA because unlike 4/5 sites  you listed its focused on one subject. 
2022/11/29 18:30:45
I don't trust any of the youtubes or traditional tech reviewers if they rely on sponorships and adds they are somebody's
2022/11/29 19:24:28
I never really had a specific place to go to. I simply google for NVIDIA news and take a rolling average. And with benchmarks I try to look at videos of benchmarks by people running similar hardware with the games that I play.
2022/12/08 20:01:15
I avoid Linus Tech Tips and other channels that makes stupid faces for thumbnails. I can't watch that many GamerNexus videos, he spends too much time talking about benchmarks. Hes bias towards EVGA.
2022/12/10 01:34:22
I'll admit that I watch Gamer's Nexus and OC3D reviews for GPU news and reviews. 
2022/12/10 04:53:28
I have no go to except the forums here since i know you guys and i can get a more real world opinion of the hardware im looking at and dig in a little with ya if necessary. Other than that ill run thru any and all the sites but the youtube sites i can only do a minute of maybe and then i get sick of the yapping, fast forward thru to their data/charts, or what there is, and move on. If im spending money then i dig the manufacturer data that i can get for compares, then try to find a bunch of actual in hands test reviews to compare and try to get what i need out of it all. I know it sounds arduous but ive rarely had to do any RMA's at least.

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