It effectively means you can't buy a used evga unless the seller is willing to provide the serial number to you.
Since no one knows the models stolen other than some were 329 and some were 1959 in price.
This means every card other than the kingpins could have been stolen. So effectively you simply must watch any EVGA purchase other than directly from EVGA.
Here is why lets say the thief has a connection to Best Buy or newegg. He simply swaps the hot cards with Best Buy non hot cards or newegg non hot cards.
I have had multiple issues buying cards (3000 series cards) from both newegg and from Best Buy with very strong indications of fraud on the part of some random clerk at those companies. So I am no longer able to buy any evga other than if I get a card from the queue . How would you feel if you win a newegg shuffle and get sent an evga that can't be registered since it is marked stolen.
Well at least I have my name on the queue for the hybrid 3090.
You buy one from Best Buy go to register it and evga says you have a hot card. Not very good for you.
You buy one from Newegg and it breaks in 2 months you go to rma it and evga says you have a hot card. Good luck with the rma