• Software
  • Firefox Updates new features & Important Security fixes (p.28)
2024/07/26 08:21:44
Cool GTX
yet another small patch .... No security updates
Version 128.0.3 - first offered to Release channel users on July 26, 2024
(excerpt of fixes)
    Fixed an issue causing some sites to not load when connecting via HTTP/2. (Bug 1908161, Bug 1909666)

    Fixed collapsed table rows not appearing when expected in some situations. (Bug 1907789)

    Fixed the Windows on-screen keyboard potentially concealing the webpage when displayed. (Bug 1907766)

2024/08/06 08:04:55
Cool GTX
Version 129.0 - first offered to Release channel users on August 6, 2024
Cool new single button tool to show a bare webpage, check it out
Firefox Reader View for clutter-free web pages

Various security fixes - (12) are Rated High
No post update issues to report at this time.  W10 Home on my laptop
2024/08/06 13:16:48
Nice! Thanks Cool.
2024/08/13 16:23:15
Cool GTX
129.0.1 Firefox Release  

First offered to Release channel users on August 13, 2024
No, issues post update - W10
Just these 2 items fixed / no security patches


    Fixed playback issues on some websites with copyrighted video served via digital rights management. (Bug 1911283)

    Fixed a crash when dragging a video file onto some websites. (Bug 1910990)

2024/08/14 08:09:32
Got it, thanks! 
2024/08/20 11:39:42
Cool GTX
Version 129.0.2 - first offered to Release channel users on August 20, 2024
No, issues post update - W10
Just these 2 items fixed / no security patches
    Fixed an issue with screen readers prompting "Alert" when hovering over tabs. (Bug 1908873)

    Fixed an issue where drag-and-drop operations would not work as expected with extensions that rely on this functionality. (Bug 1911486)

2024/08/20 13:39:58
A couple bugs swatted...
2024/09/03 07:40:23
Cool GTX
Version 130.0 - first offered to Release channel users on September 3, 2024
New - Firefox now allows translating selected text portions to different languages after a full-page translation.
Fixed - an issue where Copy and Paste context menu items intermittently were not enabled when expected.
Various security fixes.  5 rated High, plus others of lower rating
No issues to report (yet) after update W10 laptop - just installed
2024/09/03 07:56:12
Downloading now, thanks.

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