I called in the backup lol:
3000RPM server fan REPORTING for duty - of course I'm not going to be running it at THAT speed, too noisy. But that combined with the standoffs should improve air movement overall, this fan has those air-channeling thingies in it's face:
Edit to avoid triple posting:
Think I found the culprit/problem, if the VRM temp that went up is coming from this one, I had no heatsink over it, a problem which I fixed while re-arranging (from what I can tell, there are no thermal pads on the backside of the VRM between the PCB & the backplate, but I'm hoping in that particular one's case, due to it's proximity to the memory, there is some there... I am very tempted at this point to buy some thermal pads, take the backplate off, and put some between those areas & the backplate... I just wouldn't know what size to buy) :
This addition will probably get the post a temporary "approval pending", but I wanted to point that one out, because that's a Memory VRM/PWR stage, I believe, so it's important not to forget it.
I also realigned my heatsinks near the "top"/output side of the card, even though, again, there's no pads between the backplate & that area, I'm hoping it will still "do something".