2021/02/09 11:38:42
Just what I have on there now has already dropped 4-6C off my load temps on 2 of the 3 memory iCX sensors, as well as dropping my Memory Junction Temp a few degrees, and other temps 1-3C as well, which is pretty crazy considering how little I've done so far:

Just those with a fan blowing over them has made that difference - granted, the 3090 is a whole 'nother beast because of the vRAM chips being on the back of the PCB too, but I imagine it will still help with the 3080's thermals to have more heat dissipation like you are planning to do.

How do you have those little aluminum heatsinks attached? What's your case cooling look like for airflow? I'd like to get my 3090 memory temps down, they are horrific. What did that get yours down to and at what memory speed? 
I'm tempted to give these guys a shot but not sure how I want to attach them. 


They came with thermal tape pre-applied, as do the ones I'll be getting in today, which I'll be putting over the VRM areas & other places - the ones I have on now (in that picture) are quite small, but they do a decent job (apparently) based on the temp reductions I've already seen: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BDKN3XV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 
An example of before vs after:
Before, at 2130MHz @ 1025mV, +250 memory OC:

After, at 2160MHz @ 1068mV, with +1000 memory OC:

So my temps went DOWN despite clocks going UP.  And that's just with the heatsinks in the picture in the quote above, so not exactly a whole lot going on yet, with a single 120mm fan running at ~1000RPM blowing air over them. 
2021/02/09 11:40:49
Oh you asked about how is my case airflow...
The answer to your question is yes. :-D

That's a 200mm fan you can't really see below the CPU radiator blowing air from the front intake over the underside of the GPU & towards the M.2/chipset fan areas.
Edit: And the temperature displays I provided in the previous post are from 2-3 hour gaming sessions in Cyberpunk 2077 with everything cranked to maximum settings, including RT on Psycho, at 5120 x 1440 - so the GPU is being pretty well hammered.
2021/02/09 13:03:53
Lord Winchester
Lord Winchester
Lord Winchester

 Have you seen this before? It's a Backplate Waterblock, you clip on your gpu. Seems like they are quite new on the market.
The size is about 15 cm, but how big is the heat generating area on a Kingpin or ftw3 Backplate really? 

Anyone have a link where this is sold?
Edit: https://mp5works.com/

I´m going to get one of these.
Too bad UK decided to leave the EU. Now i have to pay a Custom fee

Good news: The site lists prices in pounds. So no Customs fee.
Bad News: Website is out of stock.
The website only lists the outside of the tubing included as OD 4mm, that is going to make for some tiny tiny tubing.

No customs for you I guess. I'm from Germany and with the whole Brexit situation it can be (depending on the custom officer) no import fee or or a bucket of Gold on top of the price. 
As for the tubing: They do a version with G1/4 Thread. I will get this and hook it up to the Cpu loop. Gpu itself goes in the second loop with an external radiator
2021/02/09 16:24:08
Figured I'd post the update here:


WE GOTZ HEATSINKZ BOIS! lol  They feel light, but they're definitely metal (I scratched one with a screw driver cuz I was curious if they were actually metal because they are so light, but they're also pretty thin at the base, so they should be light, I guess, being aluminum & all):

And I just put a fan on top of them.  I wish I had more of the black ones to just do all those & make it more uniform, but, I've spent $40 on this now, I think that's good enough. lol  We'll see how much all that additional heatsinkage helps with temps.
2021/02/09 19:12:10
Curious to see the results, that's a ton of surface area assuming that they can transfer the heat properly. May need to slap a 120mm fan on top of them.
2021/02/09 19:26:08
Curious to see the results, that's a ton of surface area assuming that they can transfer the heat properly. May need to slap a 120mm fan on top of them.

There is, I just didn't post the picture of it in this thread:

2021/02/09 19:35:41
Think I'm going to post a separate thread with a full workup of this cuz this is impressive stuff I think:
Before any heatsinks were applied, idle temps were as follows with probably 70-72F air (can't remember for sure):

And now, with an ambient of 71F and the new heatsinks:

The middle #s are the "lowest recorded".  Look at the differences, they're small, but at idles that close to ambient, they really mean something:
Then: 22C  22.4C  22.1C  23.4C  22.2C  23.5C  25.9C  25.3C  24.7C  23.7C
Now:  22C  22C     21.6C  22.9C  21.9C  22.9C  24.9C  24.7C  23.6C  22.6C
Everything across the board is lower.  Unfortunately I don't have junction temp idle from before cuz it wasn't a thing, that hadn't been released yet in HWInfo.
2021/02/09 20:10:40
Heaviest memory temp I've seen while gaming has been alarmingly high at 98C. Looks like averages are lower, but still... I need to get my load temps down. 
2021/02/09 20:59:17
So far it's a bit of mixed bag - I think removing some of the heat-coverage I had on the one set of memory had a negative effect on one particular temperature.  But still, VRM temps are mostly lower (as expected now that I actually have heatsinks above them), and it looks promising, just need to do some fine tuning & maybe put a different fan that can sit further off the heatsinks, I think the deadzone in the middle is having negative effects too, before I had a different fan sitting on rubber standoffs blowing air on the littler heatsinks.
But, out of the 11 temperature readouts, 7 of them were lower with the newer setup than the original heatsink setup - and for the original "before" any heatsinks temps, memory readouts are 9.5C, 3C & 2C LOWER - and keep in mind the before heatsinks temps I have are with a LOWER OC as well - and VRM/PWR temps are lower across the board too, only 1C on some, but 3C on others.
Wish I'd done more thorough documenting of temps before doing the heatsinks at all, but that 9.5C drop/difference between a 2130MHz Core & stock memory before and the 2160MHz core, +1000MHz memory after is pretty impressive for what amounts to less than $40 worth of heatsinks being added. 
2021/02/09 21:24:12
I called in the backup lol:

3000RPM server fan REPORTING for duty - of course I'm not going to be running it at THAT speed, too noisy.  But that combined with the standoffs should improve air movement overall, this fan has those air-channeling thingies in it's face:

Edit to avoid triple posting:
Think I found the culprit/problem, if the VRM temp that went up is coming from this one, I had no heatsink over it, a problem which I fixed while re-arranging (from what I can tell, there are no thermal pads on the backside of the VRM between the PCB & the backplate, but I'm hoping in that particular one's case, due to it's proximity to the memory, there is some there... I am very tempted at this point to buy some thermal pads, take the backplate off, and put some between those areas & the backplate... I just wouldn't know what size to buy) :

This addition will probably get the post a temporary "approval pending", but I wanted to point that one out, because that's a Memory VRM/PWR stage, I believe, so it's important not to forget it.
I also realigned my heatsinks near the "top"/output side of the card, even though, again, there's no pads between the backplate & that area, I'm hoping it will still "do something".

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