You have to lol when the only person providing any useful info is getting called out for not owning that card.
If u want the facts here the are.
The cards running a up9511r controller. The PCB is mass produced so they are all set up with the same config resistors, Which is what sets the balance.
It cant software rebalance the plugs and slot power like the other brands that used digital controlers which just need a I2C command sent to change it.
It wouldnt be a issue if every die was the same but all GPU dies arnt equal. There is this thing called silicon lottery so some will use more power or less power for the same task.
The die is made up of many different parts and each of these parts is also subject to the silicon lottery.
Only EVGA really knows how each part is wired up to the VRM. If one of those parts is really high leakage that inputs going to hit its power limit before the others.
When that power limit is hit the card wont go any further.
If you want to see what each inputs power limit is you can use my bios editor. yes I do have a EVGA 3090.
There is nothing he can do himself to change it with out voiding warranty.
Really this would of never been a issue if the power limit arms race didnt start and the cards stayed at there intended release day power limits which was 420-450W for the FTW3 cards and 320-366W for the XC3.
EVGA knows this which is why the 500W bios will always be a beta bios since a large ammount of people wont be able to hit that total board power that it advertises.