*eats popcorn whilst enjoying a 3090 that knows how to power balance properly*
By the way, this is not an issue that effects "everyone" - but a lot of 3090s do have this problem in the FTW3 variety of the card. As indicated in reviews of the card, the FTW3 of this generation (both the 3080 and the 3090) is the closest it has every been to a "Reference" model - in fact most would say in a lot of ways the FE is actually a better card (which it is, sort of) - and it is definitely not worth the price paid. I am saying this as someone who had a 3090 FTW3 Hybrid that had the power limit issue of not being able to hit anywhere near "500W" on the supposed "500W" XOC Beta BIOS - which maybe, someday, they'll fix, maybe they won't... one would assume so, but by the time it's "fixed" the 3090 FTW3's reputation is already so FUBARed, I doubt it will matter.
For anyone looking at getting a 3090, I'd highly recommend if you're willing to spend the $1799+ on the FTW3, that you give serious consideration to queuing for a Kingpin instead. If you can fit the AIO in your system, it is well worth the extra bit of money required to get one of those instead. I would say as far as 3090s go, the FTW3 (Hybrid or regular air cooled Ultra) is not worth the asking price, not that any 3090 is, let's be real, they're overpriced period, but the FTW3 especially is not worth the mark up. The Kingpin however, is an upgraded PCB, VRMs, all of that good stuff - and it's cooling is just plain better, both stock with the AIO, and if you're willing to invest another $60 or so in some heatsinks & thermal pads, it runs so much cooler than regular 3090s, it's kind of ridiculous.
That is one of the major drawbacks on the FE, from what I hear, the stock memory cooling is not great.