to get you all back to earth, there are people (me) who received cards like this:
Ofc that is without 1000w bios and classified tool. Just straight +90core and +1700mem.
Just adding + to core with X1 or AB doenst help the card. I did not tweak a custom curve by now.
I'll hopefully get a HC kit soon, so I can test this card in my loop but for now the performance is kinda meh...
BTW. when I compare the result with my ftw3 I can see that the KPE had higher average core and mem but still has a 450 pts lower score:
So, is my KPE just straight up bad or is it missing the 1000w bios + classified tool to hit clocks higher than 2130mhz??
Currently I'm loving everything about this card but it's performance^^
Your Kingpin is running 6c higher temp over your ftw3. If ambient temp is the same for both ? could be thermal pads not in right place. 6c will make a big difference. HC waterblock in a loop will make cooling better. I put all new thermal pads on mine and KPX paste, with 2 chunks of pads covering back plate with cut out for dip switches when I put HC block on. Also that cards memory overclocks great, but without cooling it will down clock the card. I would think if you slowed the memory down the heat would go down and your score will go up. The best OC is not alway make the best scores. I run XOC 1000 w rebar vbios from Kingpin with classified tool. My core clocks went up from 1200 + to 1500 + with new vbios . You have to find the sweet spot for every card , they our all different. To get my card above 16000 in PR I slowed Dram timing down on motherboard from 4000 to 3200 and drop volts from 1.45 to 1.35 and drop the overclock on cpu from 5100 to 4800 and it ran faster PR scores.
The XOC rebar BIOS you're using that lets you OC your memory an extra +300. Do you see any artifacts running that high? The thing is my card I can bench +1300/+1350 but the moment I use +1400 it black screen and restart. I've never seen artifacts on my card. I think the moment it detects instability it restarts. This card can game at +1250 fine.
I have another KPE but Hydro copper version which doesn't have this symptom. It can bench +1600 and it occasionally shows artifacts. In the gaming side, anything above +1100 will show artifacts. (+1300, +1400, +1500 show artifacts in gaming, +1650 and beyond it's when it black screens and restarts).
My theory is the new XOC rebar removes any restriction and lets you OC higher on the memory even though it could add artifacts. The card with this symptom is from 2nd batch of Kinpings (December 2020) and the KPE HC is from last month.