Ok, so here is a new pr, 15,792.
http://www.3dmark.com/pr/1115162 I have a few questions though that I am trying to wrap my head around. I saw this video on youtube where he suggested locking in the voltage and then adding to the core clock, I am just curious what everyone's thoughts on this is.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH3FZXvBkiE. Does every GPU have a sweet spot to lock it into and if so whats the best approach to find that when scores can fluctuate so much between runs of the same setting? I have found that if I go above 1075mv my scores start to tank but I am not sure if thats because of other factors.
I am starting to mess around with the Classified Tool but do not want to get to crazy without understanding it better. What is the difference between NVVDD and MSVDD? Is there a sweet spot for voltages or as long as your temps are safe do you just go with the more is better approach?
As you can see in this photo my GPU clock held steady during the entire benchmark, If I start messing with voltages it jumps all over the place, what causes this?