Interesting, I'm running a 5800x, and can't for the life of me hit 5ghz in light threaded loads, I apparently have a "Silver" sample which is ok I guess, want to install a 5950x, but atm I'm having a tough situation irl with money and such lol
Silver isn't great but even still, overclocking and benching on the Ryzen platform is kind of annoying, not very fun. You probably have to tweak your PBO & memory settings some more, it takes a lot more trial/error with Ryzen than it does with Intel and Ryzen latency will always be limited by Infinity Fabric. I've pretty much settled on mine, nets me CB R23 scores of 22,640 multi-core and 1671 single-core.
If I were you I'd switch to 10900K/KF and save some money, then upgrade to Intel's new platform whenever it drops. That's what I'm going to try to do. At least you seem to have a properly functioning Kingpin, more than I can claim.