https://www.3dmark.com/pr/1056336 Good enough for #3 in HoF for 5900x & 1x 3090...
Wonder how much benefit if any to running shroud-less until I can get a block. 🤔
What settings you running?
And what tuning software, bios etc
Edit-you should try the 5800x and single 3090 HoF 😆
LN2 bios (non-rebar) and I think that run was +135/+1500 with Classified tool @ 1.15 NVVDD, 1.4 FBVDD, 1.1 MSVDD, NV&MS Freq 500kHz, OCP's disabled & Level 1 LLC's. PCB heatsoak was an enemy at that point but now I have a better starting point for next session, should be fun.
Edit-you should try the 5800x and single 3090 HoF 😆
Got no 5800x brother! There's lots of folks here with better 3090 silicon than me anyways 😇