Lower core temps results in lower mem temps on backside chips
Plus lower core temps means less power uses, and more stable clocks
I am just hitting such a hard wall trying to go over 2205 starting at 8C with portable AC blasting through radiator in a very cold room that I do not think the block
will do anything for me. I gained about 100-110 MHZ on my Strix after installing block, but that was hitting 60-70 on the air cooler.
The big thing with the block is how much it will lower your other temperatures, thus decreasing PCB heatsoak that effects temperatures even further. Memory would be running much cooler, VRMs will be about the same (unfortunately, but they don't really run hot to begin with). The core temp itself for me didn't go down a ton, but I was also dealing with a "base" starting temp in the low 50s for most tests/games, so it can only GO so much lower at that point.
If you're having issues getting over 2205 it sounds like your card is probably one of those voltage-happy ones that will clock pretty well under LN2 but at "stock" voltages, can't OC too great. I know mine is pretty similar, for average boost clock, I can't consistently get higher than 2205-2220... but I've also "only" went up to 1.14375V NVVDD with a 1.1V MSVDD. That allowed me to run +165-180, mostly stable, for Port Royal specifically. The other benchmarks I have to step it down a bit or they crash almost all the time.
Ideally I'd like to hit at least 2205 stable enough to use, but meh.
I'm gonna try to run Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition tonight/this morning with some OC settings & see if it crashes or not, and if it doesn't, what the power draw is like. With my Undervolt/OC to 2100MHz @ 1025mV, it was getting up to around 450W draw, without VSync on, so it's definitely a power hungry game... but man is it purdy.
Ppl have been telling me they see over 500w on pr with 520w but I guess I’ve got a dud
I think at stock on Port Royal, and even with a "regular" OC, I'm only seeing around 480-500W. I have to bump voltages in Classified Tool to get consistently over 500W draw. Highest I've see was on the card's OLED set to power readout during my personal best score runs & it got as high as 551W, and that's pushing 1.14375V core with the memory at 1.4125V +1400 offset... pretty sure I was hitting power limit at times during that, and prolonged testing with those settings saw the typical PCB heatsoak symptoms of the score going down for seemingly no reason, clocks dropping a bit and whatnot on the core.