Well the overall goal is to hopefully get to 2205MHz, just need to figure out how much over-stock voltage I'd need to get that actually gaming stable.
But 2145-2160 @ 1050mV is pretty close - might actually be, just those blips that occasionally hit 2175 causing crashes as far as I can tell, so maybe setting to 2145 would work better, that's what I'll be testing next. I'll also be trying just a 120 offset with regular voltage, seeing how that runs. The fact that 2160 @ 1050mV passed a full Port Royal stress test (which is 20 loops with no pauses) tells me it's at least close to stable, that's about 30+ minutes of continually getting hammered with a heavy RT work load.
My original goal was around 2145 stable for regular usage, I think I'll be able to pull that off, just need to do some tinkering to get it fully happy. I'd love to get 2200+ stable enough for regular use, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to be possible, at least not without pushing the voltage up several steps with Classified Tool, at which point it's a question of is the performance difference between 2100 and 2200 worth that extra power draw & stress on the card, when I can run 2100 @ 1025mV with absolutely zero issues.