2021/01/29 22:52:10
Ln2 is 120 on the slider
2021/01/29 23:26:42
On the OC bios what number should the power slider go to? 
Also on LN2 Bios what is the maximum number on the power slider?

on the LN2 BIOS in Precision it goes to +121%, in Afterburner it goes to +120% - I have not seen any difference between the two settings though, my card has show as high as 540W draw on the regular supposedly 520W LN2 BIOS, according to the OLED Display's power readout, during Port Royal, with my high Benchmark-only OC.
I have no clue what the OC BIOS switch goes to... I think it has a lower base power limit, so it may go up to 118-120% or something like that as well, but the maximum power will be lower than the LN2 BIOS.   I didn't actually test the OC BIOS at all, I went straight from the Normal which performed surprisingly well, to the LN2 BIOS.
There's an article out there somewhere on the Kingpin 3090 that shows the GPUz screen showing what each BIOS's slider limits are, can't remember what site it was though.
cant upload link for some reason got 15,244

Think you need 10 posts before you can post links, anti-spam measure on the forums.
2021/01/30 08:25:00
I think I've been able to resolve the issues I've been having
Switched back to the 500w bios and used ddu to wipe drivers. 
this is with the optimus water block and ambient air 70 f.
Memory issues have seemingly been fixed. 
I want to try a cold run again and see if i can break 16k
2021/01/30 12:18:24
I think I've been able to resolve the issues I've been having
Switched back to the 500w bios and used ddu to wipe drivers. 
this is with the optimus water block and ambient air 70 f.
Memory issues have seemingly been fixed. 
I want to try a cold run again and see if i can break 16k

Nice, you're making me want to get a hydrocopper when they come out 😂

Are you pushing extra voltage than stock on that or nah?
2021/01/30 12:27:46
Nice, you're making me want to get a hydrocopper when they come out 😂

2021/01/30 14:18:09
 Luumi OC guide for the Kingpin.
Watching it right now.  I really hope he goes over reasonable settings on the AIO like he says he's going to. lol
Edit: I'm so jealous of his card being able to run +1600-1700 vRAM lol
2021/01/30 16:12:17
 Luumi OC guide for the Kingpin.
Watching it right now.  I really hope he goes over reasonable settings on the AIO like he says he's going to. lol
Edit: I'm so jealous of his card being able to run +1600-1700 vRAM lol

Shame he was not on the best platform for the test he was showing but still a good watch, thanks for posting.
Good to know I have just been killing my card running the default LLC...   LOL..
And I thought the AIO was fixed speed? and the Rad fans and Single fan on the card were the adjustable ones?
2021/01/30 16:54:23
 Luumi OC guide for the Kingpin.
Watching it right now.  I really hope he goes over reasonable settings on the AIO like he says he's going to. lol
Edit: I'm so jealous of his card being able to run +1600-1700 vRAM lol

Shame he was not on the best platform for the test he was showing but still a good watch, thanks for posting.
Good to know I have just been killing my card running the default LLC...   LOL..
And I thought the AIO was fixed speed? and the Rad fans and Single fan on the card were the adjustable ones?

I think the GPU pump is controlled via BIOS so it is either on full speed all the time, or maybe not at idle but at load it speeds up?  Honestly the only way to test that would be to plug it in to a header where you can see the "RPM" it's outputting, assuming it has PWM which it should.
I am having zero luck today, I've tried 4 different driver wipes/swaps, even tried installing the driver over itself, I cannot get a run to even pass 15k again - I tried what I did last time, going to the 457.51s then back to the 461.40s, didn't work.  I just had a run that probably should've been 15.4k and it was barely 14.9k because of whatever issue it is that's going on.
I also notice that with the unlocked BIOS the boost clocks I'm setting aren't what's being applied, like the number I get for the number input on the LN2 520W BIOS is not the same... I don't know what that's about either, but I switched back to the regular 520W LN2 BIOS because of that and the fact that the big-BIOS locks your vRAM at full speed like I mentioned before, which makes it unusable for normal/non-benchmarking usage imo.  Wish they hadn't done that.
I'm gonna try one more thing to attempt to get things to run shiny before I give up again for the day, I haven't even tried increasing voltage yet because I'm not even getting the scores I should be at +150/+1250.
2021/01/31 16:52:43
I have received my Kingpin last week and my score on PR is 13736 out of the box.
Probably got the worst card, I'm really disappointed.
2021/01/31 17:39:47
I have received my Kingpin last week and my score on PR is 13736 out of the box.
Probably got the worst card, I'm really disappointed.

You need to tell us more. What’s your CPU, RAM, Bios used (LN2, OC or NORMAL). Did you tweak Windows and Nvidia panel settings?

Getting 15K in PR isn’t an easy task. You need good CPU and RAM speed (an i9 5GHz+ with 4000MHz RAM at least). Set the LN2 mode (restart pc so the BIOS is detected properly), max all slider, voltage and power and start with +90 on core and +700 on memory 100% fans speed. If it’s stable, add more core offset and memory

Make sure to close any background apps on Windows and uncheck G-Sync on Nvidia panel and set texture quality to performance (also restart).

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