2021/01/28 09:58:44
I see what you mean. I loaded up the 520W vbios and now am crashing on memory around 1300. I ran your settings and got a 15375, but tried to go higher and crash city or no complete. It seems like a whole relearn when you switch the bios switch. That was with 1.1V nvvdd only adjustment.
I think you may have mentioned it before...your memory timing adjustment. I think that's where you got your extra 400 points. First run on your clocks netted a 15048, but after adjusting the memory.... 15375. I'm using the same driver as well.
Using my 10900K and not 4930K setup.
5.3Ghz/4400 Mhz memory.

The memory settings really aren't too awfully special, 4000MHz at 1.43V, CL17-17-17-38 2T with tRFC at 300, tREFI of 22500 (haven't really messed with that much), everything else is just what the BIOS or sticks read out at at stock, manually inputted so the BIOS doesn't do anything stupid like putting them tighter or extremely loose.  Don't think I could go much higher on speed even with looser timings.  I actually used that as daily settings for a while with 1.42V and tRFC of 350, but it gave me a crash or two in Cyberpunk so I reset the RAM to stock for my daily-usage settings, 3600MHz @ 1.35V CL16 isn't too bad. 
And those are the same RAM settings I ran before when I was only getting 15037 - switching drivers twice then reverting back to the latest just magically gave me almost 400pts and I have no clue why, but I approve.  I'm sure the cooler temps were a slight increase, but no way it was that much.  Maybe DDU caught something it didn't before and cleaning that up made the difference.
With what you experienced switching to the 520W BIOS, maybe it is indeed a memory timing thing or something preventing higher vRAM/memory clocks.  But even on the "Normal" BIOS switch position, I was able to run +150/+1250, couldn't go any higher without crashing, but my score was also only around 14.9k... but that was also with 72F ambient so who knows.
It definitely seems like I got some meh-worthy Memory on my card though - I'm going to try pumping it up to 1.4V on the vRAM next time I test, see if maybe that will let me run +1300-1350-1500 or thereabouts... with the fact that it crashes at +1300 but passes at +1250 every time, I have my doubts.  What is the stock FBVDD setting anyway, 1.36875 or 1.375?
2021/01/28 10:35:01
They don't have to be special, just optimal. :) i was already running 4400, but when I tightened them from xmp to custom, that's when my score changed. So who knows. Could just be luck of the draw at the end of the day.
Could be, with windows 10 anything stupid is very well possible. 
If you get the memory colder, that changes. I have been able to get up to about 1600, but yes...it was like 47F in here at the time. And i was dressed like it too!
Got 1400 to run, but score dropped to 14.6. with a solid green block for perf cap.
2021/01/28 11:15:06
I tried 461.40 to see if it was any better for me, I lose 50-70 points tested over several runs.
so then I reloaded 457.51 back on, and just for LOL's wanted to see where I topped out with just power-temp limit raised No classy tool. 
I just kept raising and locking 15 MHZ bins on Freq-Curve.
I think I must have glitched something?
2021/01/28 11:23:58
I have crappy luck with the curve. I can go really high on over clock, but nets me nothing valuable in return.
2021/01/28 11:31:00
Need to run again tonight with the windows open! A balmy -11C here today.
2021/01/28 11:33:53
Yeah, from 2220-2295 was about 40 point total increase, but the last 15 bump to 2310 it jumped 100 points, LOL.
2021/01/28 12:59:13
I tried 461.40 to see if it was any better for me, I lose 50-70 points tested over several runs.
so then I reloaded 457.51 back on, and just for LOL's wanted to see where I topped out with just power-temp limit raised No classy tool. 
I just kept raising and locking 15 MHZ bins on Freq-Curve.
I think I must have glitched something?

This is exactly what happened to me, then I reverted to the 461.40s & got my high scores.  It was extremely weird.
So after feeling the exhaust air from my GPU radiator during a PR run, I decided I should indeed go Push/Pull on the radiator... unfortunately I'm plum out of EK Vardars (have one more, need 3 so lol) so the "Pull" fans are 3 Thermaltake 120mm Pure Plus I had laying around from the last time I ran a 120mm-variant radiator.
We'll see how those effect temps, going to have them running at 60% for starters.  Already idling at 23C while ambient is at 72F, which is usually resulting in 24C idle... maybe it will help, maybe I just wasted 30 minutes getting those fans in up there. lol
2021/01/28 13:08:57
So just in Port Royal for a quick run, with my previous OC (which is again scoring 14.9k... ?????????????? I had some problems with Windows crashing & had to redo my drivers with a cleaning before hand, not sure what the deal was), temp was actually hovering at the end between 50C and back down to 49C, back and forth, instead of continuing to go up, so seems like Push/Pull helps, at least a little bit, in a case environment.
Going to do some gaming & see how the core temp does with the new fan setup.
2021/01/28 13:48:58
I tried 461.40 to see if it was any better for me, I lose 50-70 points tested over several runs.
so then I reloaded 457.51 back on, and just for LOL's wanted to see where I topped out with just power-temp limit raised No classy tool. 
I just kept raising and locking 15 MHZ bins on Freq-Curve.
I think I must have glitched something?

Internal clocks drop a lot when you’re messing with the v/f curve. The NVVDD/MSVVDD table isn’t providing enough voltage that’s why the low score. You can check this with Thermspy or HWINFO64 (effective clocks).

Has anyone been able to reach 15K below 1.0v?
2021/01/28 16:51:00

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