Ran it again with GPUz closed, GPUz doesn't have a huge impact on score, but it did bump it just a tiny bit:
Looks like it was at 2175-2190 through 95% of the test, ambient is still a balmy 68F - room is slowly cooling off, turned my heater in the room off about an hour ago. That bumps me up to 6th for my setup, passing the guy who's score I was questioning why I wasn't matching, by 4 points, and matching our very own markuaw1 (who has a STRIX card with the KINGPIN bios on it if I'm not mistaken) - and he was running sub-ambient/cold cooling not room temp, average temp on his run was 31C vs mine was 46C - I'm quite happy with that!
Guess it's high time I try a voltage bump eh?
Edit: testing with a bump, first result was a slight increase but also only a +15 increase on core:
https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/57482788 Edit 2: Seems like I had some heat soak in the PCB so I called it for now, couldn't get +180 to pass even with 1.15V on the core which seems silly to me and it was crashing very early in the test. Much happier now that I've cleared 15k easily - ended up getting 15410 with a re-run of the +150 settings, without GPUz closed, so I probably could get a tick higher, but that 15461 with +165 is my new personal best & good for 5th for my setup, only people that have higher have 5.3 or 5.4 or 5.5GHz on their 9900K & 2250+ on their core with average temps in the 15-33C range so much cooler than mine as well. My ambient for those tests was still around 68F.
Maybe another day I'll let it get chilly in here but I doubt it. lol Next time I fiddle with it I'll try pushing the core to 1.2V & see what I can get clocks wise.