2021/01/28 00:57:32

Now that that part is out of the way.
1: 1300 memory, try moving mem voltage to 1.400V. I would not recommend going above 1.425V
2: move nvvdd to 1.150V or even 1.200V. adding voltage is going to start raising the watts. And you may think he is on 520w but he could be on 1000w bios. you would need to ask him. at this point we are speculating and not actually talking facts.
3: run your highest clocks that crashed and see if it completes.
4: if it does not, then change nvvdd ocp to disabled and run it again. you will know if your over because your card will flash red for like a millisecond and show you what voltage is the problem, each time it hits it.
5: get a time of the exact crash. pretty sure it's not enough voltage at this point. since you are nowhere near using too much voltage.
6: these cards are built with pretty highed parts so don't be scared to hit 1.2V if need be. this is benching not everyday clocks.
7: yes, i have used the curve, but it cuts like 10 percent of the max power in my many test. so i never use it for benching.(impo)
8: max fans unless your name is Luumi who seems to do excellent on auto fans and +1600 memory. LOL
hummm, open px1 if you installed it. click the boost lock then exit out of it. and try what you were doing.
you really only need to run gpuz at this point as its enough to give you most of your answers that matter. (impo)
And here is a big hint as you start adjusting your clocks. if you don't start at around 64 fps or higher, might as well not even run the bench. starting at 67 fps is like 15.4 to 15.5k. 68 is like 15.6 15.7. 69 is like 15.7 to 15.8 or so....
I was at 15k last night, but in a 85F room and no open windows and using the exact same clocks i now get this.
(right click open in new tab to see full screen)


How happy I am to read from you johnksss,
Alienware overclocking times and notebookreview's forum seems so far away now...
Thanks for sharing your wisdom, I am having the same issues as fellow Dabadger84 with my Kingpin. But I am 99% sure it is temperature related. Even if my card is not strong enough as many of yours.
I will try to follow your tips so the 15K points barrier gets broken :P

2021/01/28 01:40:02

Now that that part is out of the way.
1: 1300 memory, try moving mem voltage to 1.400V. I would not recommend going above 1.425V
2: move nvvdd to 1.150V or even 1.200V. adding voltage is going to start raising the watts. And you may think he is on 520w but he could be on 1000w bios. you would need to ask him. at this point we are speculating and not actually talking facts.
3: run your highest clocks that crashed and see if it completes.
4: if it does not, then change nvvdd ocp to disabled and run it again. you will know if your over because your card will flash red for like a millisecond and show you what voltage is the problem, each time it hits it.
5: get a time of the exact crash. pretty sure it's not enough voltage at this point. since you are nowhere near using too much voltage.
6: these cards are built with pretty highed parts so don't be scared to hit 1.2V if need be. this is benching not everyday clocks.
7: yes, i have used the curve, but it cuts like 10 percent of the max power in my many test. so i never use it for benching.(impo)
8: max fans unless your name is Luumi who seems to do excellent on auto fans and +1600 memory. LOL
hummm, open px1 if you installed it. click the boost lock then exit out of it. and try what you were doing.
you really only need to run gpuz at this point as its enough to give you most of your answers that matter. (impo)
And here is a big hint as you start adjusting your clocks. if you don't start at around 64 fps or higher, might as well not even run the bench. starting at 67 fps is like 15.4 to 15.5k. 68 is like 15.6 15.7. 69 is like 15.7 to 15.8 or so....
I was at 15k last night, but in a 85F room and no open windows and using the exact same clocks i now get this.
(right click open in new tab to see full screen)


How happy I am to read from you johnksss,
Alienware overclocking times and notebookreview's forum seems so far away now...
Thanks for sharing your wisdom, I am having the same issues as fellow Dabadger84 with my Kingpin. But I am 99% sure it is temperature related. Even if my card is not strong enough as many of yours.
I will try to follow your tips so the 15K points barrier gets broken :P


Hey Brother Nikos!
Yes, those were the days. Till they took what we showed them and locked us out of the next gen for our efforts. 
You'll break it, I'm 100 percent sure of it!
Where are you stuck at? I'm doing a fresh install for my gaming drive but may be able to go through it with you at the same time.
2021/01/28 03:03:46
Just to clarify, I'm sure this is the case but thought I'd ask: Classified Tool settings don't stick after reboot, right?
2021/01/28 03:41:08
Do the Dip Switches actually do anything if you're not on the 1000W BIOS?  Because it seems to me they didn't do anything.  A person trying to help in PMs suggested some switch settings that should have bumped the stock NVVDD - they seem to have had no effect?
For MSVDD should I be leaving that at 1.06875V or bumping that up slowly?
I just tested at pretty much stock on Classified Tool settings, Core still at +150, but with vRAM reduced to +1000 because I think my vRAM is causing my score to come up short, score was only 14769 - and I was seeing PWR as a PerfCap reason despite only hitting 487W O_o on the 520W BIOS.
Edit: I should mention these scores are on the 457.51 drivers - apparently they're scoring lower than the 461.40s?  Just ran 150/1250 and got 14.8k vs before that was scoring as high as 14975 on the other drivers :-\
2021/01/28 04:42:07
So, this is with the newest drivers, CPU is at STOCK, RAM is at STOCK, GPU is the only thing messed with at all, no Classified Tool at all, 520W BIOS, GPU is set at +150 core, +1250 Mem, core voltage slider is at +100 though it seems like that actually does absolutely nothing, power target of course is maxed:

And that's with the newest drivers, all other background processes closed, just Afterburner & GPUz running in the background.
Is this lower than it should be, or not that bad?  Regardless of what your CPU is, if you could post a run on daily-use system settings with your GPU similarly clocked, so I can see some comparisons, that would be awesome.  Thanks for the help y'all.
2021/01/28 04:58:40
Um... I have NO idea what I did... lol

No Classified Tool, newest drivers (461.40s), same settings as before, CPU is at 5GHz, RAM is at 4GHz with slightly tighter tRFC.
SO that's what my score was supposed to be with these settings all this time. lol
Edit: Back in the top 10 for the 9900K/3090 setup I am: 

2021/01/28 05:16:33
Ran it again with GPUz closed, GPUz doesn't have a huge impact on score, but it did bump it just a tiny bit:

Looks like it was at 2175-2190 through 95% of the test, ambient is still a balmy 68F - room is slowly cooling off, turned my heater in the room off about an hour ago.  That bumps me up to 6th for my setup, passing the guy who's score I was questioning why I wasn't matching, by 4 points, and matching our very own markuaw1 (who has a STRIX card with the KINGPIN bios on it if I'm not mistaken) - and he was running sub-ambient/cold cooling not room temp, average temp on his run was 31C vs mine was 46C - I'm quite happy with that!
Guess it's high time I try a voltage bump eh?
Edit: testing with a bump, first result was a slight increase but also only a +15 increase on core: https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/57482788
Edit 2: Seems like I had some heat soak in the PCB so I called it for now, couldn't get +180 to pass even with 1.15V on the core which seems silly to me and it was crashing very early in the test.  Much happier now that I've cleared 15k easily - ended up getting 15410 with a re-run of the +150 settings, without GPUz closed, so I probably could get a tick higher, but that 15461 with +165 is my new personal best & good for 5th for my setup, only people that have higher have 5.3 or 5.4 or 5.5GHz on their 9900K & 2250+ on their core with average temps in the 15-33C range so much cooler than mine as well.  My ambient for those tests was still around 68F.
Maybe another day I'll let it get chilly in here but I doubt it. lol Next time I fiddle with it I'll try pushing the core to 1.2V & see what I can get clocks wise.
2021/01/28 07:19:55
Just to clarify, I'm sure this is the case but thought I'd ask: Classified Tool settings don't stick after reboot, right?

They stick after a reboot, but not if your remove power or do a complete shut down or hard crash.
The dip switches are so you don't need to use classy tool. Some say they help while others say they don't. I never use it.
Congrats on the new personal best!!
2021/01/28 08:58:43
Just to clarify, I'm sure this is the case but thought I'd ask: Classified Tool settings don't stick after reboot, right?

They stick after a reboot, but not if your remove power or do a complete shut down or hard crash.
The dip switches are so you don't need to use classy tool. Some say they help while others say they don't. I never use it.
Congrats on the new personal best!!

Yeah I saw zero change with the dip switches. The ones I did are supposed to bump core voltage but seem to have done nothing. Perhaps they only work properly with the 1K bios.
And the classified settings stick? Interesting. I always set it back to standard before rebooting out of my extra-tight OC benchmark settings on the RAM. Good thing I guess. Of course I only did a small bump on the core voltage so not anything spectacular, 1.11 nvvdd & 1.0875 on the other one, I think. Going up on the memory voltage didn't help at all either, I can't get 1500 of 1350 to pass, it crashes out pretty quickly.
I haven't had a single hard crash yet. I have had to log out and back in to windows because I couldn't get a crashed/frozen PR screen to close though. Closest I've had to a hard crash.
I'm pretty happy with the results thus far considering every score above me on the 9900k is 15-33C average temp and 5.3-5.5GHz on their cpu. Hoping I can push up to at least 2250 once I give it some voltage.

I still have no idea what I did to magically make my score increase 400pts. I always ddu between driver swaps after uninstalling the ones I'm removing. But the 461.40s are definitely pretty good. Kinda curious if I can find a driver that performs even better. I'll futz with that next time.
2021/01/28 09:21:34
Just to clarify, I'm sure this is the case but thought I'd ask: Classified Tool settings don't stick after reboot, right?

They stick after a reboot, but not if your remove power or do a complete shut down or hard crash.
The dip switches are so you don't need to use classy tool. Some say they help while others say they don't. I never use it.
Congrats on the new personal best!!

Yeah I saw zero change with the dip switches. The ones I did are supposed to bump core voltage but seem to have done nothing. Perhaps they only work properly with the 1K bios.
And the classified settings stick? Interesting. I always set it back to standard before rebooting out of my extra-tight OC benchmark settings on the RAM. Good thing I guess. Of course I only did a small bump on the core voltage so not anything spectacular, 1.11 nvvdd & 1.0875 on the other one, I think. Going up on the memory voltage didn't help at all either, I can't get 1500 of 1350 to pass, it crashes out pretty quickly.
I haven't had a single hard crash yet. I have had to log out and back in to windows because I couldn't get a crashed/frozen PR screen to close though. Closest I've had to a hard crash.
I'm pretty happy with the results thus far considering every score above me on the 9900k is 15-33C average temp and 5.3-5.5GHz on their cpu. Hoping I can push up to at least 2250 once I give it some voltage.

I still have no idea what I did to magically make my score increase 400pts. I always ddu between driver swaps after uninstalling the ones I'm removing. But the 461.40s are definitely pretty good. Kinda curious if I can find a driver that performs even better. I'll futz with that next time.

I see what you mean. I loaded up the 520W vbios and now am crashing on memory around 1300. I ran your settings and got a 15375, but tried to go higher and crash city or no complete. It seems like a whole relearn when you switch the bios switch. That was with 1.1V nvvdd only adjustment.
I think you may have mentioned it before...your memory timing adjustment. I think that's where you got your extra 400 points. First run on your clocks netted a 15048, but after adjusting the memory.... 15375. I'm using the same driver as well.
Using my 10900K and not 4930K setup.
5.3Ghz/4400 Mhz memory.

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