2020/12/29 21:08:27
it's for my ftw3 but they actually announced blocks for kingpin coming soon!

Coming soon from optimus means 6 delays and in about a year will start sending them out.
2020/12/29 21:11:12
it's for my ftw3 but they actually announced blocks for kingpin coming soon!

Coming soon from optimus means 6 delays and in about a year will start sending them out.

My concern as well.  I'll probably end up getting an HC block (if they offer them), then replace it with an Optimus block, should one ever be produced.
2020/12/30 09:21:44
wrong thread, my bad.
2020/12/30 10:55:39
I received my RMA KPE the other day. I am afraid to open it and try it. lol
2020/12/30 11:00:19
Guys, so x1 power slider I'm only getting 105 max on ln2 bios... nvidia smi shows max 449W too :/ that's not supposed to happen right? How do I fix this?

(1) Uninstall Precision X1 and reinstall. (2) If that doesn't work, uninstall Precision X1 again and DDU the NVidia drivers. Then reinstall the NVidia drivers and Precision X1 again.
Anytime you make a change on the card hardware step 2 should be taken above anyway.
2020/12/30 11:01:32
I received my RMA KPE the other day. I am afraid to open it and try it. lol

Schrödinger's 3090
2020/12/30 11:02:42
I received my RMA KPE the other day. I am afraid to open it and try it. lol

Schrödinger's 3090

Kingpin's Uncertainty Principle....
2020/12/30 12:28:30
I received my RMA KPE the other day. I am afraid to open it and try it. lol

Schrödinger's 3090

Kingpin's Uncertainty Principle....

Wow, second chance at a silicon lottery winner. Must be nice. Hope it's a good one!
2020/12/30 17:27:42
Guys, so x1 power slider I'm only getting 105 max on ln2 bios... nvidia smi shows max 449W too :/ that's not supposed to happen right? How do I fix this?

(1) Uninstall Precision X1 and reinstall. (2) If that doesn't work, uninstall Precision X1 again and DDU the NVidia drivers. Then reinstall the NVidia drivers and Precision X1 again.
Anytime you make a change on the card hardware step 2 should be taken above anyway.

I switched to Afterburner and it solved all of my power draw issues and immediately raised my scores to consistently stay above 15K. I recommend retiring Precision X1 until they fix the software.
2020/12/30 17:35:20
Guys, so x1 power slider I'm only getting 105 max on ln2 bios... nvidia smi shows max 449W too :/ that's not supposed to happen right? How do I fix this?

(1) Uninstall Precision X1 and reinstall. (2) If that doesn't work, uninstall Precision X1 again and DDU the NVidia drivers. Then reinstall the NVidia drivers and Precision X1 again.
Anytime you make a change on the card hardware step 2 should be taken above anyway.

I switched to Afterburner and it solved all of my power draw issues and immediately raised my scores to consistently stay above 15K. I recommend retiring Precision X1 until they fix the software.

Use afterburner for clock control and the Classified tool for voltage?

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