I have a question for the group, highest i have been able to get on PR is 14,871 on the stock LN2 BIOS that came on the card. I maxed all fans, 13 of them, and set my Power/GPU Temp slider to right, maxed the GPU Voltage slider and did a +175 on GPU Clock and +1200 on Memory. Temp was 47c during test. Just ambient temp in my room, its around 70f in my room. Is there a separate BIOS that is valid to use? Like does the 3090 XOC bios on the forums work on the KPE? Or is the only other BIOS the one you need to email Vince with name and SN?
Also, i don't have an OC on my CPU, I just run the High Performace power setting so it boosts my 10900k to around 5.0 ... would an OC help? I just want to hit 15k to see if i can, and call it a day lol.