Solar Trans
ran it under normal bios at 5.2 and got a score of 14066 with average temp at 43C, again although I do have a push\pull config on the rad. this was also with no core clock, no mem clock or any tool tweaking just plan stock run in push/pull.
Nice. My temperatures are more in 50s (Florida). Going to see how I do with my CPU not overclocked. I've got the Lian Li Dynamic XL coming this week, which should help, my current case (Fractal Design S2 Vision) has pretty poor airflow to the GPU. For those with the Dynamic XL, should I set the Kingpin radiator as the side intake, or top exhaust? I also have a 360mm EKBW AIO cooling my 9900k.
I have an o11 XL and I have my Kingpin on the side intake (hoses coming out the bottom. Push/pull, radiator and 2nd set of fans in the rear compartment)), and my 360mm AIO as a top intake (both intakes filtered). Exhausts are unfiltered at at the rear+bottom. Best temps I have been able to get so far. Remember that the “heat rises” idea is completely out the window when dealing with fans and forced airflow, so this ensures both my OCed CPU and OCed GPU have cool air. I recommend trying this yourself!
Hmm I may try this. I have two add on cards (Nu Audio Pro, Capture Card) underneath my GPU so I'm not sure if that would work as well (its kind of a dead zone). My thinking was side as intake, top as exhaust, bottom as intake, and rear as intake.
The only 2 parts of your system that benefit from cold air are the CPU and GPU. The warmer air coming through your radiators into the case still cools passively cooled components plenty well, as that air is still much cooler than the temperatures of those components (a GPU cares about a few degrees of temperature, a capture card, not so much).
With 2 radiators in an o11 XL, I can’t think of a use case that would benefit from having warm air pass through your CPU or GPU radiator. The most important thing is to balance intake and exhaust airflow, and 6 intakes w/ restrictive radiators+filters plus 4 exhaust and the Kingpin VRM fan (which exhausts on its own) means for very balanced airflow and the best temperatures you can get out of this case (sans perhaps bottom and top intakes, side+rear exhaust, but then the Kingpin AIO pump is the highest point in the loop, and we don’t want that).
If you’re not convinced, think really hard as to why you might want to force your CPU or AIO to be an exhaust. It’s probably not worth it!