at pure stock on the kingpin I am getting 250-300 points LESS just by using my ryzen 5950 instead of my intel 9900k
is there any way to regain the points on the ryzen? or thats just how it is? If so i may have to bail on porte royal test
as I am getting tired of moving the card around, and would rather use the ryzen system.
Lol. Thanks for the confirmation. People been saying CPU’s don’t matter on port royal. Looks like they were wrong.
I wish I knew what the intel chip does faster or more efficient because the using the single thread test in CPUZ the 5950
default configuration (up to 4.8 or so) still beats out my 9900k at 5.3 to 5.4 it's so frustrating, LOL oh well. sigh...
initially I thought it might have something to do with PCIE 4.0 VS 3.0 since my apex for intel only does 3.0 but that went nowhere.