2020/12/26 02:21:05

2020/12/26 03:55:02
He is very good overclocker and yes ofc, mem and cpu helps too. He also got golden chip again
He also broke 3080 air record too
2020/12/26 07:35:47
i can confirm a 850watt psu ios not enough when you wanna oc the vram , getting hard shut down pass +1000 on mem :( 
strix on air with KPE bios : 14 862
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 video card benchmark result - Intel Core i9-9900K Processor,ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. PRIME Z390-A (3dmark.com)
2020/12/26 08:31:35
Yep, download nvidia inspector and make two batch files...
Mem OFF:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\nvidiainspector\nvidiaInspector.exe" -setpstatelimit:0,8
Mem ON:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\nvidiainspector\nvidiaInspector.exe" -setpstatelimit:0,0
Click mem off to stop the issue. Click mem on when ready to use any graphics accelerated apps. 

On stock LN2 BIOS, I'm also seeing 120-130 w idle. I think a recent driver update also caused this, I saw in the patch notes from NVIDIA that this is known. Is this also a fix for any high power draw at idle with the 3090 series?
2020/12/26 11:13:44
Curious what scores look like on 9900k and at stock clocks. Looking to get a baseline. I end up around 13900. This is on latest hot fix driver.
2020/12/26 11:21:42
I can't post any links yet, but I have a 9900k. I had it clocked at 5.1 all the way to 5.3. I can boot up to 5.4 but the voltage that it's requiring may not be worth the test run. When testing for the first time under ln2 setting i scored a 15167, with my cpu at 5.1 with tweaking to the tool and settings I was at a 15300, again also with cpu at 5.1 This was all in my bedroom with no window or any help with my card in my case and no open side panels with a room temp around 67f-69f I believe my overall average temp run from the card was showing 46C\48C on both of those runs. I can test out stock settings in a minute or two.
2020/12/26 11:35:04
ran it under normal bios at 5.2 and got a score of 14066 with average temp at 43C, again although I do have a push\pull config on the rad. this was also with no core clock, no mem clock or any tool tweaking just plan stock run in push/pull.
2020/12/26 11:50:48
Curious what scores look like on 9900k and at stock clocks. Looking to get a baseline. I end up around 13900. This is on latest hot fix driver.

I just did another run at fully stock scored a 14112 temps this time average at 42C
2020/12/26 12:24:53
I can't post any links yet, but I have a 9900k. I had it clocked at 5.1 all the way to 5.3. I can boot up to 5.4 but the voltage that it's requiring may not be worth the test run. When testing for the first time under ln2 setting i scored a 15167, with my cpu at 5.1 with tweaking to the tool and settings I was at a 15300, again also with cpu at 5.1 This was all in my bedroom with no window or any help with my card in my case and no open side panels with a room temp around 67f-69f I believe my overall average temp run from the card was showing 46C\48C on both of those runs. I can test out stock settings in a minute or two.

Nice score. What was your GPU and MEM OC? I have a 9900KS and am looking for some comparisons. Thanks!
2020/12/26 12:37:31
I can't post any links yet, but I have a 9900k. I had it clocked at 5.1 all the way to 5.3. I can boot up to 5.4 but the voltage that it's requiring may not be worth the test run. When testing for the first time under ln2 setting i scored a 15167, with my cpu at 5.1 with tweaking to the tool and settings I was at a 15300, again also with cpu at 5.1 This was all in my bedroom with no window or any help with my card in my case and no open side panels with a room temp around 67f-69f I believe my overall average temp run from the card was showing 46C\48C on both of those runs. I can test out stock settings in a minute or two.

Nice score. What was your GPU and MEM OC? I have a 9900KS and am looking for some comparisons. Thanks!

You can find a lot of my recent testing at higher scores on the 3d mark search page just type in the info and look for the username ToastyPeppers. My highest score currently is 15802 but in order for me to even get that I had to get my temps low starting the test. for the different kinds of comparison on what core and mem clocks I used. I kept my mem between 1400-1500. I notice with my memory, the cooler it is the more I can run it at 18000 but I have to increase mem volt for a stable run. At one point I had it at 20000 mem but I was getting heavy flickering and my pc shutdown on me. Core clock has been all over with different testing. on xoc bios I kept it around 200 up to 265 so far. With a normal run on ln2 bios with my score reaching 15300, I believe my mem was set to 1250-1275 but I do not remember my core clock settings personally maybe my other comparisons could give a little insight on what I used, as I said I went all over different settings trying to figure out what went with what. I plan on cooling it with liquid nitrogen soon not sure when though.

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