Fuzzypunkshttps://www.3dmark.com/3dm/55484757? New record 15802, no tricks just open window starting temp 18c
SajinSo the secret is just to open a window huh? Lol. Sorry already did that. Had a run start as low as 17c.
johnksssSajinSo the secret is just to open a window huh? Lol. Sorry already did that. Had a run start as low as 17c.Steady 2257 core speed would be my guess....
FuzzypunksI expect to go higher when my Z490 Dark Kingpin gets here with a 10900K chip and the Gskill Trident Z 4800 memory
USMC1419Fuzzypunkshttps://www.3dmark.com/3dm/55484757? New record 15802, no tricks just open window starting temp 18c What the heck lol. You went up like 1000 points on the same clock speeds. How does this work?? 15.8 is unicorn bin.