2020/12/24 14:07:39
I cracked 15K... I'll take it! Puts me at 4th with Leaderboard (7th overall) using a single 3090 and AMD 5900x cpu
Best I can do is +160 on the core and +1200 memory. With the classification tool I was at 526w and even hit 555 once using NVVD@1.125 ... and I only have a 850w PSU - thought I'd crash. 
LN2 bios; power @ max, voltage @ 0%, fans - max, core +160, mem - 1200 c
Classification Tool: NVVD-1.1125, FBVDD-1.4, MSVDD-1.1375, NV&MS Freq-default, Loadlines - Lvl 1, OCP-disabled

Great job breaking 15k! I crash over +150 core, but I have the EXACT same average clock speed as yon on my runs, but my memory was still scaling at 1500 and I didn't try to go further. Also seeing similar power draw.
Voltage slider at 0 because you are forcing a certain amount on classified tool? And why is everyone doing OCP disabled? I heard its risky and doesn't gain you anything outside of true LN2.
2020/12/24 14:25:36
USMC1419 And why is everyone doing OCP disabled? I heard its risky and doesn't gain you anything outside of true LN2.

Looks like it does... https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/3187524
2020/12/24 14:33:28
Voltage slider at 0 because you are forcing a certain amount on classified tool? And why is everyone doing OCP disabled? I heard its risky and doesn't gain you anything outside of true LN2.

Test it in your card and see how it behaves. In my card, the avg power draw goes from 470W to 500W+ with it disabled. Score in Port royal goes from 15.1K to 15.3-4K consistently. The voltage doesn't go up, just the power draw. Tested it with multimeter. 
2020/12/24 17:29:56
Add me to those that have high clocks but a low score.
Higher clocks, lower score:
2020/12/24 17:57:41
Add me to those that have high clocks but a low score.
Higher clocks, lower score:

This is low... https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/55171405

2020/12/24 18:07:21
Voltage slider at 0 because you are forcing a certain amount on classified tool? And why is everyone doing OCP disabled? I heard its risky and doesn't gain you anything outside of true LN2.

Test it in your card and see how it behaves. In my card, the avg power draw goes from 470W to 500W+ with it disabled. Score in Port royal goes from 15.1K to 15.3-4K consistently. The voltage doesn't go up, just the power draw. Tested it with multimeter. 

I wonder what mine would do. I'm nervous to turn those types of protections off. I pull 520W+ anyways with it on with the usual classy settings otherwise. I don't know if my score would change with it off considering I'm already pulling max power.
What does LLC change? Keep it at 1? The dip switches force it to 0 if you flip them but you can still change them again after boot.
2020/12/24 18:15:57
Record highest clock lowest score!
2020/12/24 18:32:28
Record highest clock lowest score!


That is kind of crazy. I got almost the same score (14844) with only a 2160 MHz clock speed. I’m not using Classy, just max power and voltage sliders at stock fan speeds with +1200 MEM and +125 GPU. The higher I push my core OC past this, the lower my PR score begins to go (even with a lower MEM OC). There are definitely diminishing returns above a certain clock speed on some cards.
2020/12/24 19:27:27
New record 15802, no tricks just open window starting temp 18c
2020/12/24 19:41:02
So the secret is just to open a window huh? Lol. Sorry already did that. Had a run start as low as 17c.

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