It probably has a lot more in it don’t remember the temp. -130 maybe. I was trying to break my timespy run and my cpu and memory wasn’t cooperating I didn’t have much ln2 left so I dropped to 5.4 and did like two port royal runs never really got to push it. Sometimes the mount will break on the paste and you’ll get temp raises. I’ve had this happen where it will cool like a champ then you lose mount and it won’t line up with the pot temps. You have to remount lapping helps this issue.
yep, after inspecting my mount it was clear the spread was not completely even. going to try next run with a different backplate (I have a flat metal plate that came with the reaktor \G) - using the icon extreme pot with a drilled out backplate from the previous icon. not sure why icon x doesn't ship with a backplate. will report back if this improves things. die is lapped.