2022/01/11 14:28:44

Then that makes it not a turd. LOL

2022/01/11 16:34:57
A bit more playing around.
My idle is about 29 with fans full blast. So probably not the best environment for 15k.
New top: 14784
NVVDD sweet spot is 1.15. Anything below is a crash and anything above reduces the score. Memory +1400. CORE +145. Temps max at 62C.

This is a kick ass GPU. Def a keeper.
Now to figure out why PSU is whining so much (7yr old 1300 EVGA XR).
@fragility_V1 , yeah dip switches seem to not do anything classified doesn't already do. Aside from surviving reboots. I have all 4 core flipped to ON.
2022/01/11 16:35:09
Maxenko, I would not use the dip switches and the classified tool together, asking for trouble imho
What is your base stock run? mine is 14180 on z390 with 3.0 rider cable. @420W
Pull off the side panel for runs and maybe get a box fan to blow in the side and always blow the card down to close as you can to ambient room temp.
If you are not blowing extra cooled air (winter or AC) I would not even play with the classified tool, It can boost power a degrade score greatly if the temps go above 45C. Look at everyone in the top 100 and you will see temps are way lower than any stock ambient run. I've pulled 590w and got a 13780 to show for it.
Watts used does not produce any value in figuring out how to increase your score! repeat this to yourself as many times as necessary 
Switch to LN2 (power off) boot up, first run try max sliders in afterburner or PX1+145 c and +1110 mem , this should get you in the 15k club easily .
On a cold card you might overshoot and crash the first try like when the ship goes to overhead, sometimes the boost on the clock anything over +150c can get my card going over 2250mhz , like an engine that overrevs...
Anyway , I hope this helps, the classified vid by Luumi is not much help unless you are ready to add extra cooling, imho Good Luck!
2022/01/11 16:44:41
Thank you for this post, this is the clearest guide to overclocking a stock card I've seen yet. My kingpin card gets here Monday
2022/01/11 16:54:20
Thank you for this post, this is the clearest guide to overclocking a stock card I've seen yet. My kingpin card gets here Monday

Congratulations, welcome to the club 
2022/01/11 17:47:43
Maxenko, I would not use the dip switches and the classified tool together, asking for trouble imho
What is your base stock run? mine is 14180 on z390 with 3.0 rider cable. @420W
Pull off the side panel for runs and maybe get a box fan to blow in the side and always blow the card down to close as you can to ambient room temp.
If you are not blowing extra cooled air (winter or AC) I would not even play with the classified tool, It can boost power a degrade score greatly if the temps go above 45C. Look at everyone in the top 100 and you will see temps are way lower than any stock ambient run. I've pulled 590w and got a 13780 to show for it.
Watts used does not produce any value in figuring out how to increase your score! repeat this to yourself as many times as necessary 
Switch to LN2 (power off) boot up, first run try max sliders in afterburner or PX1+145 c and +1110 mem , this should get you in the 15k club easily .
On a cold card you might overshoot and crash the first try like when the ship goes to overhead, sometimes the boost on the clock anything over +150c can get my card going over 2250mhz , like an engine that overrevs...
Anyway , I hope this helps, the classified vid by Luumi is not much help unless you are ready to add extra cooling, imho Good Luck!

Thank you. Yeah this got the highest score so far.
So LN2, NVVDD switches ON. Reboot, no Classified.exe
House fan pointed at open case (at kingpin radiator mostly). Starting temp 28c.
+145 +1300 in AB
Result 14818
With +145 +1110 its 14790
I think if I am a bit more creative with airflow it might hit 15k. Either way close enough.
2022/01/12 01:11:11
Far from my highest, but I wanted to see how much of a bottleneck a 3770K and DDR3 are....
It looks like it would have placed 14th on HWBOT.
2022/01/12 08:23:19
to get you all back to earth, there are people (me) who received cards like this:

Ofc that is without 1000w bios and classified tool. Just straight +90core and +1700mem.
Just adding + to core with X1 or AB doenst help the card. I did not tweak a custom curve by now. 
I'll hopefully get a HC kit soon, so I can test this card in my loop but for now the performance is kinda meh...
BTW. when I compare the result with my ftw3 I can see that the KPE had higher average core and mem but still has a 450 pts lower score:

So, is my KPE just straight up bad or is it missing the 1000w bios + classified tool to hit clocks higher than 2130mhz??
Currently I'm loving everything about this card but it's performance^^

Short answer....it's your OS. if you cant do 14100 to 14500 on stock no over clock...your OS has been hosed by Microsoft.

Agreed, even a 3080 ti can hit those numbers near stock.
2022/01/12 08:42:51
Can't wait, mine's suppose to show up today but I believe UPS is a liar but this is a great thread, lots of good info in here.
2022/01/12 12:25:43
I am really excited about the KP card, but still nervous. I am going to try and compare to my FTW3 and see if I can beat it. My record on my FTW3 is 15.2k on Port Royal.
I don't have any good numbers on the stock performance of my FTW3, but I am hoping that my KP won't be a dud.
Are there any checks, or benches I should run that may give me a good indicator on how it will do when water cooled? 
My FTW3 is installed in my system now, and I am hesitant about pulling it complete out if my KP doesn't perform. 
I have an extra riser cable, so I am going to hook up the KP and do some tests before I commit to pulling the FTW3 out. So tedious draining the loop.  :-P  (first world problems)

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