2020/12/24 15:16:34
Great info OP.  I've installed two kits on my old 1080's and it went smooth as silk.
Looks like you get plenty of tubing with the kit, is that the standard AIO length for the rest of the hybrid cards?  
2020/12/27 00:16:50
I got 1 coming soon. Is there a way to control the pump speed?
2020/12/27 09:52:54
I got 1 coming soon. Is there a way to control the pump speed?

 yes. get a cable called a MINI GPU TO 4PIN PWM, route it through the shroud, configure one of your fan headers to DC MODE, and make a "fan curve" according to your cpu temps. 60% is the lowest the pump will work, and 100% when your cpu temps are higher in gaming for example 
2020/12/28 19:10:39
This went pretty smooth, photos below.
Some key points:
  • The thermal "rubber" on the VRM's is a pain in the ass to clean off.  It flakes.  I used a spudger from an iFixit kit to clean it all out
  • The tubes are crisscrossed for front mounting, kinda weird. my 1080 Ti Hybrids weren't like this but it's not a big deal, shouldn't cause any issues.
  • Don't freak out once you startup.  The pump will be loud and gurgle for about 3-4 minutes as all the air moves out into the radiator, if doing a top mount that probably won't last as long.  As GN says, don't do a bottom mount.  The pump will be way noisier than the fans if you do that.  After the bubbles move out it's silent, contrary to other posts I saw on here about the 2080 hybrid kits. 
  • I didn't replace the TIM on the pump, looks to be solid so far
My results are good, switched from my uV normal profile to the 450w OC profile, saw an improvement of 900 pts with a decent overclock (+125 GPU, +300 mem) in Port Royal, and temps never above 60.  Very pleased but didn't get a lot of time to play with it.   I am using 2 corsair ML fans and am using the commander pro to control them instead of the GPU.  Still going to tweak the profiles a bit and see if I can turn up the pump speed by increasing the "black" connector fan speed. 
Picks (NSFW, nudes):
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

So the thermal rubber doesn’t come off with standard arctic TIM remover? Thanks.

Yeah, its in between the VRM's and that's kinda .2/.3 mm gap there so a PITA to clean. 
2020/12/28 20:11:34
You do not. The new cooler has new pads. You need to salvage what you can from the original cooler as you will have to reinstall the cooler if you need to rma your card.
2020/12/30 22:10:42
hi all
i installed the kit on my ftw3 ultra, downloaded the 3080 FTW3 HYBRID Kit BIOS. I am running precision 1.1.4 so the cards firmware is up to date with the Ultra XOC 450 watt bios.
I ran as admin.
Got this error.
ERROR: Unable to set-up NVFLASH driver (0x00000005)
Detailed :Access is denied.

Please note this error and contact your display adapter manufacturer's
technical support line.  It is important that you leave your system ON and NOT
reboot until instructed by your manufacturer on how to proceed.

Press any key to exit...
anyone ? thanks for any help.
2020/12/30 22:14:14
hi all
i installed the kit on my ftw3 ultra, downloaded the 3080 FTW3 HYBRID Kit BIOS. I am running precision 1.1.4 so the cards firmware is up to date with the Ultra XOC 450 watt bios.
I ran as admin.
Got this error.
ERROR: Unable to set-up NVFLASH driver (0x00000005)
Detailed :Access is denied.

Please note this error and contact your display adapter manufacturer's
technical support line.  It is important that you leave your system ON and NOT
reboot until instructed by your manufacturer on how to proceed.

Press any key to exit...
anyone ? thanks for any help.
2020/12/31 06:01:45
hi all
i installed the kit on my ftw3 ultra, downloaded the 3080 FTW3 HYBRID Kit BIOS. I am running precision 1.1.4 so the cards firmware is up to date with the Ultra XOC 450 watt bios.
I ran as admin.
Got this error.

ERROR: Unable to set-up NVFLASH driver (0x00000005)
Detailed :Access is denied.

Please note this error and contact your display adapter manufacturer's
technical support line.  It is important that you leave your system ON and NOT
reboot until instructed by your manufacturer on how to proceed.

Press any key to exit...

anyone ? thanks for any help.

Make sure you are running as admin. Right click and select "Run as Admin"
2020/12/31 20:54:36
avoid the hybrid BIOS - stick with the original or XOC BIOS.. the Hybrid runs the fans on High all the time and you loose the ability to control the fans.   there is ZERO benefit to switching to the hybrid BIOS.

This is wrong, that's because most people are only flashing the bioses, and forget to run the latest version of PrecisionX to let it recognize the card as a Hybrid and then apply the MC controller firmware update (this solves the issue you are mentioning). 
Just FYI, anyone that flashes the hybrid bios, remember to run the latest Precision X to let it also update the firmware, this solves the fans issues.
And by the way, once you have flashed the 'converter' to Hybrid bios, you can also flash the XOC bios for the hybrid 450w (Jacob posted it on the XOC bios thread)
2020/12/31 22:50:02
OK i am half way there. i used nvflash ans put the default normal bios on then i was able to install the hybrid kit normal  and it worked.
I used nvflash to flash the original oc bios back on but when i rebooted and tried to install the OC hybrid kit bios i got this error

ERROR: Unable to set-up NVFLASH driver (0x00000005)
Detailed :Access is denied.

Please note this error and contact your display adapter manufacturer's
technical support line.  It is important that you leave your system ON and NOT
reboot until instructed by your manufacturer on how to proceed.

Press any key to exit...
this is the file 3080 FTW3 HYBRID Kit BIOS = https://www.evga.com/EVGA...e=3080_FTW3_HYBRID.zip
is there a .rom of this kicking around? i could try that instead of the exe.
working now thank all

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