2020/12/22 15:28:53
avoid the hybrid BIOS - stick with the original or XOC BIOS.. the Hybrid runs the fans on High all the time and you loose the ability to control the fans.   there is ZERO benefit to switching to the hybrid BIOS.
2020/12/22 15:36:06
I flashed the the normal hybrid, then oc hybrid, then xoc hybrid bios onto mine, but I'm using corsair ML120's on my hybrid rad and controlling them with iCUE.  It shows 0 RPM for FAN1 for me in PX1.  If there is an issue with the hybrid xoc hybrid bios and fans running on high, I haven't noticed it because I'm using iCUE.
2020/12/22 15:41:36
I flashed the the normal hybrid, then oc hybrid, then xoc hybrid bios onto mine, but I'm using corsair ML120's on my hybrid rad and controlling them with iCUE.  It shows 0 RPM for FAN1 for me in PX1.  If there is an issue with the hybrid xoc hybrid bios and fans running on high, I haven't noticed it because I'm using iCUE.

there is no problem if i already have the 3080 ftw3 ultra xoc bios flashed? just follow those steps? and thank u so much for your answer.
2020/12/22 16:23:00
THE TUBES are not criss crossed, you just needed to flip the pump 2 turns so that the tubes would be straight, its nice to see how it fits in a 680X, i intend to vertically mount mine with the rad in the front 
2020/12/22 21:24:35
Just received the kit, pretty easy to install.  All you need to do is follow the directions.  Overall the kit is great, the fans however.....
2020/12/23 04:36:18
My hybrid kit arrives tomorrow. Im super pumped! 
2020/12/23 04:51:11
My hybrid kit arrives tomorrow. Im super pumped! 

You‘re gonna love it, it’s rad!
2020/12/23 10:16:56
THE TUBES are not criss crossed, you just needed to flip the pump 2 turns so that the tubes would be straight, its nice to see how it fits in a 680X, i intend to vertically mount mine with the rad in the front 

Yeah realized that after I got it all together, I don't have spare thermal pads so I won't want to remove it all again.  Oddly the criss-cross helps with the tubes and my bottom intake 140 mm fans, due it it, I can rest one on top of the other and put that cross right over a brace on the fans, so now I don't have them accidentally touching.  The tube vibration, however minimal, was causing them to migrate lower.  When I need to replace the TIM evenually I'll prob fix it then. 
Just received the kit, pretty easy to install.  All you need to do is follow the directions.  Overall the kit is great, the fans however.....

I don't use the stock fans and don't use the GPU to control them.  I don't need bling, so I have 2 flat black Corsair ML 120's connected to a commander pro, with a curve adjusted specifically to the GPU temp.  
One thing I don't like, and that's even after flashing the bios, is no pump/fluid temp.  I prefer to base curves on that, rather than the actual GPU temp, but there aren't any spikes so not to concerned.  No ramping up and down like on fan curves set to CPU temps on Ryzen, which is annoying for AIO's. 
2020/12/23 15:35:56
We have a huge discussion about the EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra BIOS here: https://forums.evga.com/EVGA-GeForce-RTX-3090-FTW3-XOC-BIOS-BETA-m3124192-p104.aspx
XOC BIOS doesn't work as expected and 2 month+ now that we don't have a reply from EVGA, in this case Jacob who posted it. So after many trials and errors the best BIOS to game on the card is the XC3 Ultra, check the thread and you will see why. 
Happy Hollydays to All! Sergio.
2020/12/24 15:02:07
This went pretty smooth, photos below.
Some key points:
  • The thermal "rubber" on the VRM's is a pain in the ass to clean off.  It flakes.  I used a spudger from an iFixit kit to clean it all out
  • The tubes are crisscrossed for front mounting, kinda weird. my 1080 Ti Hybrids weren't like this but it's not a big deal, shouldn't cause any issues.
  • Don't freak out once you startup.  The pump will be loud and gurgle for about 3-4 minutes as all the air moves out into the radiator, if doing a top mount that probably won't last as long.  As GN says, don't do a bottom mount.  The pump will be way noisier than the fans if you do that.  After the bubbles move out it's silent, contrary to other posts I saw on here about the 2080 hybrid kits. 
  • I didn't replace the TIM on the pump, looks to be solid so far
My results are good, switched from my uV normal profile to the 450w OC profile, saw an improvement of 900 pts with a decent overclock (+125 GPU, +300 mem) in Port Royal, and temps never above 60.  Very pleased but didn't get a lot of time to play with it.   I am using 2 corsair ML fans and am using the commander pro to control them instead of the GPU.  Still going to tweak the profiles a bit and see if I can turn up the pump speed by increasing the "black" connector fan speed. 
Picks (NSFW, nudes):
Imgur: The magic of the Internet

So the thermal rubber doesn’t come off with standard arctic TIM remover? Thanks.

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