Telling people not to post their notification times is sleazy and doesn't help everyone. A lot of people have zero idea about your site and people that only follow your site missed out on the 3080 and 3090 Hydro Copper auto notify button going live as they didn't come to the forum and didn't get the information.
You have ZERO rights to tell people not to report times and and sign up to your site to post their times, you're just trying to corner the market. Go ahead and post how much you have made off this, but we know you won't do it.
I have every right to do what I want
on Reddit. I didn't post that here, Enewt did. And you keep repeating it as if it's some majorly damning evidence of us being shady. You're not convincing anyone.
FWIW, I had zero idea about you until you came in here and started harassing me. Kindly move along if you're not willing to stay on topic.
I'm done responding to you. I hope you have a great day.