2020/12/05 22:33:35
Jacob suggested possibly late this coming week for the remaining quantity in the first batch.

2020/12/06 04:52:52
Good to hear I won’t have to wait much longer :D also, has he said anything about selling the kingpin waterblocks separately as a kit?
2020/12/07 07:47:45
Alright, my memory that got caught up in the Newegg/UPS debacle is finally being delivered tomorrow.  Only piece that is left is the Kingpin ... come on notifications emails!
2020/12/07 08:02:34
Good luck to all as the week starts, and emails should start flowing, keep us updated, although i continue to wait, i like seeing everyone ahead of me get their notify emails, means I'm getting closer :)
2020/12/07 08:16:02
Ok, so this is supposed to be the week the queue gets its K|NGP|Ns. 
Here is the updated North American queue for Monday morning (through 6:00:43):
Position                Forum Tag                   Time Stamp
1                         wertyoxxx1                 6:00:40 AM
2                         rodarkone                   6:00:41 AM
3                         NotoriouS^                 6:00:41 AM
4                         EVOBert                     6:00:41 AM
5                         ggorini950                  6:00:41 AM
6                         Rickifast                     6:00:41 AM
7                         Keeph8n                     6:00:41 AM
8                         sormaz                       6:00:41 AM
9                         nycx360                     6:00:42 AM
10                       maxsul                       6:00:42 AM
11                       patrickisfrench            6:00:42 AM
12                       stopthefomo               6:00:43 AM
13                       loudee16                    6:00:43 AM
14                       ds760                         6:00:43 AM
15                       Mathieas                     6:00:43 AM
16                       Todeseng3I                 6:00:43 AM
17                       jspataro99                  6:00:43 AM
18                       Fuzzypunks                 6:00:43 AM
19                       flyingtoaster85            6:00:43 AM
20                       royaleijiang                 6:00:43 AM
21                       cfieber                        6:00:43 AM
22                       Brodytn                      6:00:43 AM
The full North American queue that we've documented can be found here: K|NGP|N Queue Tranche #1 - Google Sheets
Best of luck today!
2020/12/07 08:44:12
Yes!  Here's to hoping that we get through more than five names this week!
2020/12/07 10:35:03
Jacob’s Twitter update for today: No KP emails going out today.

2020/12/07 14:56:33
Got my card delivered by UPS today. This box is a bigboy, lol;) There is no way I could ever resist opening this up and plugging it in. 
2020/12/07 14:58:02
Got my card delivered by UPS today. This box is a bigboy, lol;) There is no way I could ever resist opening this up and plugging it in. 

2020/12/07 14:58:03
Got my card delivered by UPS today. This box is a bigboy, lol;) There is no way I could ever resist opening this up and plugging it in. 

Congratulations. Your wait was a bit more painful than most. Glad your Kingpin is safely home.

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