What were your baseline and top scores? I think I missed it
Hard to tell exactly now. I didn't track it 100%. But it was around 13.7 to 13.8k stock in normal mode. My highest without anything extra blowing on it was 14.8k.
Classified allowed me to raise my gpu OCs more, but the scores weren't changing at all. It needs more juice to go higher and actually put the rubber down on the road.
You can always look my profile up on 3DMark. I did a ton of runs. Then I was doing Asus runs with Asus bios and then asus with the evga ftw3 ultra XOC bios. I tried the Kingpin bios rom from online (TechSpot) on the Asus, but it was capped at 450w. I may nvflash a backup of the LN2 bios from my own card tonight and try it again.