We are now at 31 souls on the self-reported 3090 Ti KPE Hybrid list. I doubt we will see any movement benefitting this group until at least June. (I really hope I am wrong.)
I was hoping Vince's "not much longer" wasn't going to be that much longer. My decision to purchase will rely solely on if they make a waterblock for the thing. When announced they didn't have an answer but Jacob seemed to imply there would be a concrete answer before the thing launches. But as far as I know, no news either way.
the oc lab hof edition comes with a waterblock and the stock air cooler. it's just north of $3K before shipping+tariffs from taobao tho
pls evga, why do this
If only I had any way of being able to vet the legitimacy of the listings and confirm the actual contents of the listings. All I got is the Google auto-translate function. This comes up as 7200 Yuan for me before any sort of shipping/tariffs, but that'd be $1072, which sounds way too low. Edit: the thumbnail on the listing says 13499 Yuan (2060 USD), so that still sounds low by U.S. standards.