So no ETA or pricing for the KPE RTX 3090 Ti yet. Looks like it could be months before we will drops for this
If we're bumping up against June and with 40(or 50)-series potentially announced in September, that's going to be a hard sell. But like with other releases, the KP will drag anyway, so may be until 2023 until we see a 40-series KP card?
Since it looks like 3090 Ti PCBs are already primed for 40 series with a lot of manufacturers (FE and other cards have empty pads for beefier VRMs, jumpers to boost the 16 pin from 450w spec to 600w spec, and empty pads for additional 16 pin connectors) I'm betting Kingpins will be coming sooner rather than later next gen. More Decemberish like the 3090 than Aprilish like the 2080 Ti.
Since it looks like that may be the case if the 3090 Ti Kingpin doesn't come really soon I'll probably be waiting for 40 series.