2022/03/25 19:59:56
What's the likelihood on whether a K|NGP|N will be announced as part of any 3090 Ti announcement?  I am thinking (and hoping) "yes".
2022/03/25 20:54:34
What's the likelihood on whether a K|NGP|N will be announced as part of any 3090 Ti announcement?  I am thinking (and hoping) "yes".

In terms of formally announcing the 3090ti Kingpin's "existence", I am going to say with 60% confidence that yes, it will get announced next week with the rest of the 3090tis.  

However, actual release date is a different question..
From one of the early rumors (before the 3090ti announcement in January), the 3090ti Kingpin was supposed to release "after at least March":
But that rumor/article was before the 3090ti "delay" that's been going on since the 3090ti was originally announced in January.
So I guess the question is:
Whether or not the two month delay for the regular 3090ti also delayed the 3090ti Kingpin's release?  
Your guess is as good as mine, but I think it's going to be a few weeks if not a month or so before we actually see the Kingpin released either in the E1 or in a queue.
2022/03/29 07:42:33
24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 6:06:30 AM PT
I'm not planning on buying it, especially since it doesn't have price listed. I'm mostly just curious how long it'll take to get the notification.
2022/03/29 08:07:39
24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 6:06:30 AM PT
I'm not planning on buying it, especially since it doesn't have price listed. I'm mostly just curious how long it'll take to get the notification.

I started putting together a self-reported list like I did for the 3090 K|NGP|Ns but realized with Queue 3.0 rules, tracking it accurately is a fool's errand. 
2022/03/29 08:20:05
24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 6:06:30 AM PT
I'm not planning on buying it, especially since it doesn't have price listed. I'm mostly just curious how long it'll take to get the notification.

I started putting together a self-reported list like I did for the 3090 K|NGP|Ns but realized with Queue 3.0 rules, tracking it accurately is a fool's errand. 

with the gpu queues being more hectic, i can see this. for the z690 boards, the queue minders were adding a column for evga score. which of course not everyone self reports, but it makes it easier to guess who floats upward if you just assume nobody is depri'd yet (which is still possible with 3050/12GB 3080 I guess, but still)
maybe we'll see some KPE notis around noon/1pm eastern? fingers crossed
2022/03/29 08:37:49
I don’t think we will see waterlogged 3090 Ti invites for weeks if not months. We don’t even have prices yet.
2022/03/29 09:27:42
24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 6:06:30 AM PT
I'm not planning on buying it, especially since it doesn't have price listed. I'm mostly just curious how long it'll take to get the notification.

I started putting together a self-reported list like I did for the 3090 K|NGP|Ns but realized with Queue 3.0 rules, tracking it accurately is a fool's errand. 

True, it still would be nice to have a list just to generally see the general direction but it definitely won't be as accurate as your previous que lists. 
I signed up for the 3090Ti Kingpin auto-notify:
24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 7:33:30 AM PT
2022/03/29 09:33:54
24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 6:06:30 AM PT
I'm not planning on buying it, especially since it doesn't have price listed. I'm mostly just curious how long it'll take to get the notification.

I started putting together a self-reported list like I did for the 3090 K|NGP|Ns but realized with Queue 3.0 rules, tracking it accurately is a fool's errand. 

True, it still would be nice to have a list just to generally see the general direction but it definitely won't be as accurate as your previous que lists. 
I signed up for the 3090Ti Kingpin auto-notify:
24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 7:33:30 AM PT

I'll keep adding names and timestamps that I come across....
Here is the self-reported list
2022/03/29 10:01:09
Here's to hoping EVGA or someone will eventually make a 3090ti Kingpin HC waterblock..
US 24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 7:26:00 AM PT No True
EVGA Score: 116
2022/03/29 10:06:26
Go ahead and add mine too: - 
US 24G-P5-4998-KR 3/29/2022 6:30:34 AM PT No True

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