2022/01/20 11:44:16
Hi guys, do you know if 10G-P5-3889-KR (RTX 3080 XC3 ULTRA HYDRO COPPER) is LHR or not?
2022/01/20 15:08:43
Hi guys, do you know if 10G-P5-3889-KR (RTX 3080 XC3 ULTRA HYDRO COPPER) is LHR or not?

This is not the right thread for this question, but if it has a "KR" suffix instead of a "KL" suffix then it should be FHR (aka NOT LHR). That is not true for all cards, but for a 3080 it should be, emphasis on the should be, I'm not guaranteeing  anything. 
2022/01/20 15:22:29
Thanks! I was not sure, but assumed the same
US 10G-P5-3889-KR 6/23/2021 6:00:44 AM PT - Yes
2022/01/20 15:46:37
WOW  more than 90 KPE's on EBAY now

the prices are laughable too. who is spending $3000+ on a 17 month old gpu? esp when a new Ti is coming out in weeks lol

At this point buying a Kingpin even at MSRP seems laughable unless the person is completely GPU-less.
2022/01/20 16:12:03
Thanks! I was not sure, but assumed the same
US 10G-P5-3889-KR 6/23/2021 6:00:44 AM PT - Yes

Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy your new copper-clad gaming goodness!
2022/01/21 18:06:25
Just got notified for EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 ULTRA HYDRO COPPER GAMING
US    10G-P5-3889-KR     6/23/2021 6:01:04 AM PT
I have the same question as above I guess-- is it really a non-LHR card?
I though every AIB company stopped producing custom non-LHR cards about half a year ago?
2022/01/21 20:46:17
Just got notified for EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 XC3 ULTRA HYDRO COPPER GAMING
US    10G-P5-3889-KR     6/23/2021 6:01:04 AM PT
I have the same question as above I guess-- is it really a non-LHR card?
I though every AIB company stopped producing custom non-LHR cards about half a year ago?

KRs (other than the 3080tis) are supposed to be non-LHR, but at this point I don't think anybody knows for sure.  I would suspect they are LHR.
Congratulations and thanks for reporting back.
2022/01/22 16:31:29
where is my KPHC?
2022/01/31 08:55:49
where is my KPHC?

Probably the same place mine is...just a twinkle in EVGA_JacobF's eye....
2022/01/31 11:54:13
WOW  more than 90 KPE's on EBAY now

the prices are laughable too. who is spending $3000+ on a 17 month old gpu? esp when a new Ti is coming out in weeks lol

At this point buying a Kingpin even at MSRP seems laughable unless the person is completely GPU-less.

This comment is kind of funny. KPE cards are mainly designed for overclockers and people chasing benchmarks with a smaller subset of people who have too much money and are willing to custom loop them to extract even 2% extra performance over a basic, non-KPE card. Buying a KPE to keep it with its stock cooling solution is kind of like throwing away $500 and the extra wait time over a regular non-KPE card.

When you consider that context, someone buying a KPE at this point in time is either likely trying to go for another record run (either by getting a second KPE or trying for a better bin) in which case they couldn't care less that the 4000 series is coming as they will just get one of those too; or someone who wants the KPE as the best of the best to throw in a loop which they want to use for some time. Considering that it's a 17mo old card and the only option besides the silly HC block for it is the optimus block which JUST started shipping, you can only imagine with horror how long (if at all) it will take to get a decent block out for a 3090 ti KPE or a 4090 KPE. So really, for these people the choice is either buy a current KPE and get the optimus block or wait for the new cards to release, wait in line for those, then wait for a decent block to be released, then wait to ship it.

So really, what is laughable about it? Just because you got lucky and got one of the initial batch KPEs and used it for 17 months doesn't make those that aren't as lucky laughable.

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