You're bad at reading people. I'm salty about the queue, I'm just curious about newt's score. He's got to be up there, probably in the top 10. It's not like putting a number on it would change anything.
Regardless, there definitely are a number of other salty people in these forums that would be even more salty if they knew enewt's score.
Hopefully enewt won't share his score to prevent the salt from spreading even more than it already spreads in these forums.
It's funny that people are protecting their scores like their Social Security Numbers. Mine is 1,548.
Unlike most people, asking for Enewt's score is more like asking him what's in his bank account lol
He literally works at these forums at least 5-6 days a week, and you could easily argue that all of the work he does here makes it a second full time job.
If I were him, I would not post his EVGA score, then people could correlate that to his EVGA bucks, which would make up his salary, in a way.
Meh, I don't think I've seen a single person (other than the Element35 people) be salty with/about Enewt. He puts in work, and yeah, he deserves whatever he's got. I'm just curious what putting in that kind of work gets him. Like I said, putting a number on it wouldn't change anything. We already know that he won't have to pay money (aside from tax and shipping) for an eVGA GPU for the rest of his life. Maybe he doesn't share because he thinks someone would compete, though we've seen how well that would go *cough* E35 sucks *cough*. Oh well, I doubt he'll ever say so I'll just assume that he has 1,000,000 eVGA Bucks.
Edit: I could see this new queue affecting people like him on some level, though. It's an anecdote but take me for example, I had planned on using newt's code whenever my queue spot came up (Never, since it's a 3090 KP HC) but now that eVGA Bucks are weighted so heavily in this system it's more advantageous to sign up for the program and refer even just one or two people. Plus, I'd bet that most people who use Associate Codes were already going to buy the product anyway. That means the assumption that 1 code use = 1 new customer is completely false.
If I had your score I'd be pretty happy. Mines is less than 1/10th of yours.
We can only imagine what his score is, but I'd rather not know either to be honest. Would be funny though since I think it is still well deserved.
I literally only have this score because I ****ed about not being able to use my 40%-off code and was given eVGA Bucks (for a previous purchase). Without it my score would be 36, despite having spent a few grand buying directly from eVGA in the past year or so and having been an eVGA-only GPU buyer since 2006.