2020/11/23 10:41:30
Yeah. I may have to go that route to get a second one.

I'm on the fence atm, tbh. These get around 1000 to 1500 more with the KP coolers than air on Port Royal. If I could get two ftw3 waterblocks, I would probably do just as well with the ftw3 ultras, but it is a matter of availabilty. It may make sense for me to run the KP stock and mess with the ultras for waterblocks.

I doubt I will mess with nitrogen, so not sure the LN2 will be helpful for me unless it makes a difference with ice -water cooling.

Having watched the 7 or so hours of the stream on Friday, I was reminded that LN2 is a big commitment.   But really, really impressive.  @QueueCumber (a fantastic name born of a suboptimal situation, by the way), I hope you find a friendly neighborhood KP overclocker to help with your SLI effort.

Yeah, I watched it as well. Fun to watch, but risky for the card and no benefit outside the benchmark. For me that is sort of the line I don't cross with the cost of these cards. I prefer lower risk and daily usage.
2020/11/23 10:44:48
Speaking of the Friday stream, QueueCumber whenever I wrote your name in full in a comment on Twitch it got censored by the AutoMod.. I have no idea what you did to offend the AutoMod lol, but just so ya know.
I watched the entire stream bar about 20 minutes when I went to get some lunch. What a marathon session, and exciting when JayZ broke 17k, then Steve shortly after. Awesome to watch.. was waiting for one of them to burn the thing out, but nope. K|ngP|n is such a fountain of knowledge!
2020/11/23 11:03:09
Yeah, I watched it as well. Fun to watch, but risky for the card and no benefit outside the benchmark. For me that is sort of the line I don't cross with the cost of these cards. I prefer lower risk and daily usage.

That's where I am with OCing too.  It is fun and a challenge, but I don't have the disposable income to take the risk of killing my card.  That and I don't do well with extremely could temperatures...I am a newt, after all.
2020/11/23 11:12:25
Speaking of the Friday stream, QueueCumber whenever I wrote your name in full in a comment on Twitch it got censored by the AutoMod.. I have no idea what you did to offend the AutoMod lol, but just so ya know.
I watched the entire stream bar about 20 minutes when I went to get some lunch. What a marathon session, and exciting when JayZ broke 17k, then Steve shortly after. Awesome to watch.. was waiting for one of them to burn the thing out, but nope. K|ngP|n is such a fountain of knowledge!

This happens a lot. I think it is due to the first syllable of the second word. Some sites won't let me use it as a name and I have to find alternative spellings...
2020/11/23 11:13:29
Yeah, I watched it as well. Fun to watch, but risky for the card and no benefit outside the benchmark. For me that is sort of the line I don't cross with the cost of these cards. I prefer lower risk and daily usage.

That's where I am with OCing too.  It is fun and a challenge, but I don't have the disposable income to take the risk of killing my card.  That and I don't do well with extremely could temperatures...I am a newt, after all.

I turned my basement into an ice box the other day to get a 34000 on TimeSpy. Outdoor air-cooling in the winter... lol
2020/11/23 11:16:20
how can I be added to the list ? 
I want one :)
also I cant find auto notify me on the 3090 kingpin
2020/11/23 11:20:43
how can I be added to the list ? 
I want one :)
also I cant find auto notify me on the 3090 kingpin

You're gonna have to wait until likely December 15th before they open up the queue again.
2020/11/23 11:24:34
how can I be added to the list ? 
I want one :)
also I cant find auto notify me on the 3090 kingpin

In short, unlike the "standard" EVGA cards (my expression, not theirs), the KP's (and I think the hybrids') queues were only open for a little bit -- long enough to get enough registrants to buy out the known inventory of their first drop or so.  When they are confident of greater inventory, they will likely open up the auto-notify button for additional folks to get on the queue.  Speculation -- which I think Jacob has roughly confirmed -- is that the queue will open back up in mid December.  Best of luck!  
2020/11/23 11:26:54
So do you have any advice for me to at least get the next one , or the Hydro C version ?
2020/11/23 11:30:11
So do you have any advice for me to at least get the next one , or the Hydro C version ?

Follow Jacob and Evga twitter accounts with notifications active. They will likely announce it either ahead of time or when they put notify live. 

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