2020/11/23 07:31:36
it wont let me embed the tweet but jacob said the notify may start ASAP over the weekend.
Replying to

Depends when ordered. Some may ship as early as next week.

2020/11/23 07:52:58
it wont let me embed the tweet but jacob said the notify may start ASAP over the weekend.
Replying to

Depends when ordered. Some may ship as early as next week.


Attached Image(s)

2020/11/23 07:55:58
The list should be updated with everybody who has submitted time stamps to this thread thus far.  Best of luck this week and going forward. 
I wouldn't be surprised if EVGA holds the release of the first KPs until after US Thanksgiving.  A lot of folks are --despite being urged not to -- travelling this week and it would likely be a tough call folks faced with the decision to order when you name gets pulled from the queue while knowing that you won't be in town for the delivery....

@Jacob, I'll be home for the Holidays, so you can go ahead and send my payment link and ship the card;)
2020/11/23 08:03:01
@Jacob, I'll be home for the Holidays, so you can go ahead and send my payment link and ship the card;)

Well played. 
Please report back to the thread if when you get your "invite to purchase" email.  Unless you post differently, we will assume that you availed yourself of the invite and purchased your gaming goodness
Good luck and may fleets of UPS trucks deliver your KI|NGP|N to your door before your turkey finishes brining...or roasting...or your tofurky finishes...whatever a tofurky does. 

2020/11/23 09:19:12
I'd love to get my hands on two, even if to just test the second one in sli for a day or two (and giving it back), if anyone is around NYC metro or suburbs.

I also have a ftw3 ultra I could trade towards one, with some extras to make it worthwhile if anyone is going to pass on their notify spot.
2020/11/23 10:03:24
I'd love to get my hands on two, even if to just test the second one in sli for a day or two (and giving it back), if anyone is around NYC metro or suburbs.

I also have a ftw3 ultra I could trade towards one, with some extras to make it worthwhile if anyone is going to pass on their notify spot.

I'm in NYC but didn't make it on the notify list unfortunately. Hoping to get in on the KP Hydro Copper whenever they come out, but no doubt we'll see the same issue of extremely limited supply and extremely high demand.
2020/11/23 10:08:24
Wondering what people’s radiator setups are going to look like (assuming most will also have an AIO on their cpu)

I’m probably going to front mount my liquid freezer as intake for the CPU and top mount the kingpin radiator as exhaust

i have the Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL, i plan to keep my H150i CPU AIO up top as exhaust and back mounth the KPE AIO, waiting for my Vertical GPU Mount to come in for better airflow, and should be good. Ill have 3 QL120s for fresh intake at bottom as well, to help keep it all cool.

I am in a bit of a pickle myself. I have a Corsair 680x. The case is tall and wide but not deep at all. I have a 360MM AIO up front. I would have to switch to a 240 and put it up top for my CPU and put the KPE AIO on the front of the case. I would probably swap the fans out too. I know Jacob said the Hybrid 3080s could have the fans swapped and controlled via a fan controller. Could even do push pull if wanted. I thought about push pull on the KPE rad but I'm a few mm short on space if the rad thickness is 27mm like I think It is. 
Or I could just go with the flow like you guys and get an 011 XL. I just really did not want to tear it all down lol. 

I have the same case. Ive opted for a full custom loop, if only I could get a GPU block.. I have everything else just sitting here in a cardboard box waiting on that one last item. Intend to run 2 x 280mm radiators, one at top, one at bottom, both as push exhaust, and keep the default 3 Corsair fans at the front for intake.
2020/11/23 10:12:27
I'd love to get my hands on two, even if to just test the second one in sli for a day or two (and giving it back), if anyone is around NYC metro or suburbs.

I also have a ftw3 ultra I could trade towards one, with some extras to make it worthwhile if anyone is going to pass on their notify spot.

I'm in NYC but didn't make it on the notify list unfortunately. Hoping to get in on the KP Hydro Copper whenever they come out, but no doubt we'll see the same issue of extremely limited supply and extremely high demand.

Yeah. I may have to go that route to get a second one.

I'm on the fence atm, tbh. These get around 1000 to 1500 more with the KP coolers than air on Port Royal. If I could get two ftw3 waterblocks, I would probably do just as well with the ftw3 ultras, but it is a matter of availabilty. It may make sense for me to run the KP stock and mess with the ultras for waterblocks.

I doubt I will mess with nitrogen, so not sure the LN2 will be helpful for me unless it makes a difference with ice -water cooling.
2020/11/23 10:33:58
Yeah. I may have to go that route to get a second one.

I'm on the fence atm, tbh. These get around 1000 to 1500 more with the KP coolers than air on Port Royal. If I could get two ftw3 waterblocks, I would probably do just as well with the ftw3 ultras, but it is a matter of availabilty. It may make sense for me to run the KP stock and mess with the ultras for waterblocks.

I doubt I will mess with nitrogen, so not sure the LN2 will be helpful for me unless it makes a difference with ice -water cooling.

Having watched the 7 or so hours of the stream on Friday, I was reminded that LN2 is a big commitment.   But really, really impressive.  @QueueCumber (a fantastic name born of a suboptimal situation, by the way), I hope you find a friendly neighborhood KP overclocker to help with your SLI effort.
2020/11/23 10:38:21
Wondering what people’s radiator setups are going to look like (assuming most will also have an AIO on their cpu)

I’m probably going to front mount my liquid freezer as intake for the CPU and top mount the kingpin radiator as exhaust

I have a Corsair Obsidian RGB, but can't seem to source a three fan tray to replace one of the two fan trays (I guess I could have dremeled, but I can use the case to upgrade my sons setup anyway), so I picked these two up:
  • Lian Li 011 Dynamic XL
  • Thermaltake Level 20 XT
I think my gpu would be better off getting the heat reduction first, since I'm not doing any crazy OCing of the 5950x atm (Not much of a point really for 3DMark with all the server chips taking top spots on CPU runs). I will likely bottom or side mount it in the 011 XL. I really need to see what the case looks like first hand on the inside and how I can direct airflow (and whether there are two compartments for air flow or just one).
The Level 20 XT is going to be a very slow custom loop build. It could take a long long long time considering the low availability of so many things during the pandemic. 

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