So, we come -- finally -- to the big day:
K|NGP|N Tuesday! We fully expect EVGA to service the remaining 95 people on the K|NGP|N queue today. If you are already in the queue, please remember the following: 1. Check that you've whitelisted (or are going to keep a watchful eye today on your spam folder in addition to your in-box). 2. Please use an Associate’s Code for a 5% discount off of the card. It can pay for expedited shipping or other gaming goodness. EVGA will not modify the order after the fact, so make sure to get that code in for $100 off the card.

3. Please remember to post your good news to this thread (so that we can track the queue's progress throughout the day).
Here are the
final 94 in the first tranche of the 3090 K|NGP|N Queue.
Position Forum Tag Time Stamp1 wertyoxxx1 6:00:40 AM
2 rodarkone 6:00:41 AM
3 NotoriouS^
4 EVOBert
5 ggorini950
6 Rickifast
7 Keeph8n
8 sormaz
9 ConradoFS
10 nycx360 6:00:42 AM
11 maxsul
12 patrickisfrench
13 Bitvar
14 stopthefomo 6:00:43 AM
15 loudee16
16 ds760
17 Mathieas
18 Todeseng3I
19 jspataro99
20 Fuzzypunks
21 flyingtoaster85
22 royaleijiang
23 cfieber
24 Brodytn
25 JZegers 6:00:44 AM
26 kris1111
27 Stickboy46
28 fragility_V1
29 duran01
30 Nsauce
31 another-user 6:00:45 AM
32 mattsrs
33 edgeofsanity
34 JDauwalter
35 pompss
36 ledippen
37 redarman
38 bumfoto
39 telehog 6:00:46 AM
40 Talon2020
41 kooncey
42 akusei
43 tchamberlain04
44 chase10784
45 Berouf
46 alpharius194 6:00:47 AM
47 Psychor
48 Karolek1
49 mattvogel01
50 wvumatt 6:00:48 AM
51 foxrun
52 thegreattonge
53 dirock
54 Xero717
55 Noxnoctis1976
56 onMute
57 HaruTachibana
58 omen999 6:00:49 AM
59 howdyho1
60 nova496
61 busdriv3r
62 Latenci
63 Cjdowd80 6:00:50 AM
64 hartsocks
65 tizubythefizo
66 Magrecite
67 munneY
68 tbrown7552
69 Wodell757
70 GP300
71 LinS123
72 Nehcknarf
73 dqanderson12 6:00:51 AM
74 Meuric
75 Net Siege
76 SubCookie
77 Vampstv
78 DarthYodi 6:00:52 AM
79 GNielson
80 mfabrew
81 DanSanLucas
82 Cadillac94pimpin 6:00:53 AM
83 fox_steeda
84 alanc425
85 zak00
86 Xinggaohappy
87 Nealx01
88 Gavin9964
89 chester_306 6:00:54 AM
90 The-phantom
91 808sting
92 dng25 6:00:55 AM
93 Basgolfer
94 ivanson13
95 Jolly9612
Thanks for participating in this tracking project.
For maybe the only time in the history of the 30 series launch, I can honestly say...and please, say it with me...
"It's Tuesday...everybody [in the queue] gets a K|NGP|N on Tuesday!"
[Apologies to the movie, Dave, of course.] Your watch is coming to an end today. Congratulations!