2020/12/11 14:01:13
FYI — per a Jacob tweet, it looks like the next KPE tranche will also be Elite only.

Not 100% confirmed but currently “looks” like it.

Plan accordingly.
2020/12/11 14:22:36
Some possible good news for cyberpunk fans, GOG said theres an update today based on the support tickets so maybe they're working on OC stability.

That has nothing to do with the game developer and isnt their responsibility. If cards are unstable running CP2077 then your OC isnt really stable.

just going off the change log that lists
"Performance & Stability
  • Improved stability, including various crash fixes." but hey thanks for the heads up on what a developers responsibilities are lol
2020/12/11 16:35:24
Guess i can wait another week (LoL)
<sarcasm voice>Going to be rough playing Cyberpunk for a few more days with this ancient out of date 2080 Ti. 
2020/12/11 17:07:24
Guess i can wait another week (LoL)
<sarcasm voice>Going to be rough playing Cyberpunk for a few more days with this ancient out of date 2080 Ti. 

I’m stuck loading it up on my Alienware gaming laptop to see what it would be like to play Cyberpunk in 2017.

Getting excited!!!
2020/12/11 17:29:20
I'll just leave this here for those in the queue to ruminate on over the weekend.  
Thanks, Jacob,
Does this mean those of us that got in on the first round of notifications, (I believe there are like 92 of us remaining) should expect our cards to become available shortly? 


Enjoy your weekend!  Prepare for next week now.  Sleep well while you can, as "[good benchmarks] mostly come at night...mostly." [Apologies to Aliens.]
2020/12/11 19:04:28
Guess i can wait another week (LoL)
<sarcasm voice>Going to be rough playing Cyberpunk for a few more days with this ancient out of date 2080 Ti. 

Playing on my 2060 Super... *dies a little inside* My poor 10900k just doesn't know what to do with itself. 
2020/12/11 21:04:29
Guess i can wait another week (LoL)
<sarcasm voice>Going to be rough playing Cyberpunk for a few more days with this ancient out of date 2080 Ti. 

Playing on my 2060 Super... *dies a little inside* My poor 10900k just doesn't know what to do with itself. 

I've been milking this 3930k and 680 SLI for almost a decade. I can finally put them to rest next week. They deserve a good slumber after such service o7 For now they are powering some great YT videos of HD Cyberpunk gameplay LOL 
2020/12/11 21:06:03
Guess i can wait another week (LoL)
<sarcasm voice>Going to be rough playing Cyberpunk for a few more days with this ancient out of date 2080 Ti. 

Man am I glad I "Over paid" for this 2080 Ti.. That one is for the people that hate on the 2080 Ti. No, but seriously, Cyber Punk runs great on it. @ 1440P I get 80-100 FPS on Ultra after the patch today. I was getting a min of 70 FPS in most places before it, sometimes more. DLSS-Quality and RT off. Cannot complain at all and it's funny watching people get so mad at how demanding the game is. They are even mad about their 3080s not running the game to their expectations.   
2020/12/11 21:37:02
I've been milking this 3930k and 680 SLI for almost a decade. I can finally put them to rest next week. They deserve a good slumber after such service o7 For now they are powering some great YT videos of HD Cyberpunk gameplay LOL 

Yes sir it is time to retire and salute as those were 2 great pieces of hardware for its time. Reminds me of my old Core 2 Duo E8500 i ran for for about 8 years or something like that till i just had to upgrade to something more modern. Certainly got my money's worth out of it.
Man am I glad I "Over paid" for this 2080 Ti.. That one is for the people that hate on the 2080 Ti. No, but seriously, Cyber Punk runs great on it. @ 1440P I get 80-100 FPS on Ultra after the patch today. I was getting a min of 70 FPS in most places before it, sometimes more. DLSS-Quality and RT off. Cannot complain at all and it's funny watching people get so mad at how demanding the game is. They are even mad about their 3080s not running the game to their expectations.

Yeah social media has gotten rough the last 48 hours especially FB with all the negative posts about FPS in Cyberpunk. That game is truly meant to bring a GPU to it's knees. It is a very beautiful game though.
2020/12/11 23:01:22

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