Ok, on the final business day before the
very special week on which we have all placed so many hopes and dreams, let's dare to dream today. Perhaps the skies will open and Kings will drop.
In that spirit here is the updated (but over the last few days absolutely static (other than the addition of ConradoFS as #9))
North American queue for Friday, December 11 (through 6:00:43):
Position Forum Tag Time Stamp1 wertyoxxx1 6:00:40 AM
2 rodarkone 6:00:41 AM
3 NotoriouS^ 6:00:41 AM
4 EVOBert 6:00:41 AM
5 ggorini950 6:00:41 AM
6 Rickifast 6:00:41 AM
7 Keeph8n 6:00:41 AM
8 sormaz 6:00:41 AM
9 ConradoFS 6:00:41 AM
10 nycx360 6:00:42 AM
11 maxsul 6:00:42 AM
12 patrickisfrench 6:00:42 AM
13 stopthefomo 6:00:43 AM
14 loudee16 6:00:43 AM
15 ds760 6:00:43 AM
16 Mathieas 6:00:43 AM
17 Todeseng3I 6:00:43 AM
18 jspataro99 6:00:43 AM
19 Fuzzypunks 6:00:43 AM
20 flyingtoaster85 6:00:43 AM
21 royaleijiang 6:00:43 AM
22 cfieber 6:00:43 AM
23 Brodytn 6:00:43 AM
The full
North American queue that we've documented can be found here:
K|NGP|N Queue Tranche #1 - Google Sheets Best of luck today!