2020/12/11 08:08:21
Is it Monday yet ....
(That's the first and last time you will ever hear me say that in my life btw)

I agree. I would love a case of the Mondays right about now.

Well played; both of you.  Is it KPE auto-notify button relighting ceremony day yet?  (That's my version.... )

2020/12/11 08:11:48

Well played; both of you.  Is it KPE auto-notify button relighting ceremony day yet?  (That's my version.... )

That would be a monumental victory if they relight the auto-notify button on Monday, since that would mean that we’ve all received our notify emails already. So maybe today is our day! 🙏🏼
2020/12/11 08:15:14
Ok, on the final business day before the very special week on which we have all placed so many hopes and dreams, let's dare to dream today. Perhaps the skies will open and Kings will drop. 
In that spirit here is the updated (but over the last few days absolutely static (other than the addition of ConradoFS as #9)) North American queue for Friday, December 11 (through 6:00:43):
Position                Forum Tag                   Time Stamp
1                         wertyoxxx1                 6:00:40 AM
2                         rodarkone                   6:00:41 AM
3                         NotoriouS^                 6:00:41 AM
4                         EVOBert                     6:00:41 AM
5                         ggorini950                  6:00:41 AM
6                         Rickifast                     6:00:41 AM
7                         Keeph8n                     6:00:41 AM
8                         sormaz                       6:00:41 AM
9                         ConradoFS                  6:00:41 AM
10                       nycx360                     6:00:42 AM
11                       maxsul                       6:00:42 AM
12                       patrickisfrench            6:00:42 AM
13                       stopthefomo               6:00:43 AM
14                       loudee16                    6:00:43 AM
15                       ds760                         6:00:43 AM
16                       Mathieas                     6:00:43 AM
17                       Todeseng3I                 6:00:43 AM
18                       jspataro99                  6:00:43 AM
19                       Fuzzypunks                 6:00:43 AM
20                       flyingtoaster85            6:00:43 AM
21                       royaleijiang                 6:00:43 AM
22                       cfieber                        6:00:43 AM
23                       Brodytn                      6:00:43 AM
The full North American queue that we've documented can be found here: K|NGP|N Queue Tranche #1 - Google Sheets
Best of luck today!
2020/12/11 09:29:11
KPE still on for next week. None today:


And with that, so kicks off my Kingpin-less Birthday weekend! See you all next week!
2020/12/11 10:36:21
Happy Birthday !!! I still have a couple of days from next week to secure my card as "birthday gift to myself" :D 
2020/12/11 10:47:56
Happy Birthday !!! I still have a couple of days from next week to secure my card as "birthday gift to myself" :D 

Thank you!!! And Happy early Birthday, to you! Looking forward to a Kingpin Birthday Bash hopefully next week!
2020/12/11 13:26:06
Are the timestamp comming from EVGA are all in PT time zone when you're talking about North America time frame?
2020/12/11 13:27:52
Some possible good news for cyberpunk fans, GOG said theres an update today based on the support tickets so maybe they're working on OC stability. Here's to hoping EVGA can keep their Dec 15 date for the release, maybe by then CP2077 will have only as many bugs as the witcher games
2020/12/11 13:37:34
Are the timestamp comming from EVGA are all in PT time zone when you're talking about North America time frame?

100%.  Pacific Time. AKA EVGA Time.  
2020/12/11 13:49:56
Some possible good news for cyberpunk fans, GOG said theres an update today based on the support tickets so maybe they're working on OC stability.

That has nothing to do with the game developer and isnt their responsibility. If cards are unstable running CP2077 then your OC isnt really stable.

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