2020/12/10 10:41:04
Just got a product notification email but it was for the FTW3 hybrid kit. Boo.
2020/12/10 10:42:43
Just got a product notification email but it was for the FTW3 hybrid kit. Boo.

Same, but as someone who has two FTW3 ULTRAs (one for the VR PC and one for my main PC) I had planned on getting the kit anyways even with being on the K|NGP|N waiting list. Going to give the air cooled FTW3 to my brother in law for his build.
2020/12/10 10:44:58
Just got a product notification email but it was for the FTW3 hybrid kit. Boo.

Same, but as someone who has two FTW3 ULTRAs (one for the VR PC and one for my main PC) I had planned on getting the kit anyways even with being on the K|NGP|N waiting list. Going to give the air cooled FTW3 to my brother in law for his build.

Yeah I got in line for this back when I had a 3090 FTW3 Ultra, before that card died on me after having it for two days. Now I’m afraid to touch anything FTW3 and am waiting for the Kingpin.
2020/12/10 10:47:28
Looks like it shall be yet another day without Kingpin emails.

2020/12/10 11:06:15
I was hoping that maybe the "delay" in sliding past the 10th would bring us a different free game from NVIDIA, but appears they have extended the COD bundle through Jan 11th.  
2020/12/10 11:14:49
Looks like it shall be yet another day without Kingpin emails.


I am confident that when EVGA means Monday...they mean Monday (at the earliest).  But, let's check tomorrow anyway....  
2020/12/10 11:53:42
Looks like it shall be yet another day without Kingpin emails.


I am confident that when EVGA means Monday...they mean Monday (at the earliest).  But, let's check tomorrow anyway....  

I hadn’t heard EVGA say Monday, but rather, “next week.” Do you know something we don’t? Otherwise, “next week” could mean “next Friday.”
I've tried optimism, but that hasn't gotten most of us very far.  Now I'm giving pessimism a try. 
2020/12/10 11:54:16
I’ve got a funny feeling we might see some movement in the KPE queue tomorrow. This isn’t based on anything at all, just a funny feeling. I’m probably wrong, but I hope I’m right.

I hope so but I don’t think we will see anything until Monday unfortunately 💔 Looking at cyberpunk 2077 videos and I want to play it but I’m going to wait until I get my 3090 kingpin 😶

Thankfully it runs fine on my 2080ti I couldn't keep waiting. Still need to decide on a monitor for the 3090. Can't decide between 2k 240 and 4k 144 :(

I went ahead and installed it and played it for 3 hours last night on my FTW3 2080 Ti. This game so far appears to not like any memory OC past +1000 on my 2080 Ti. Kept getting crashes anything over +1000 on the memory. But i was able to play it getting 90-110 FPS on my 1440p panel doing a +110 on the core and +1000 on memory with DLSS & Ray Tracing on and all other settings maxed out. Played smooth for me, no complaints.

I am getting a persistent crash too with my 2080ti. Dropping ram to 4266 and dropping core and ring to 53/49 didn’t help. I’ll try +1000 vram. The vram on this card has degraded quite a bit. When I got the card in July, +1350 was stable. Now I’m seeing minor artifacts at +1220.

Otherwise looks great at 3440x1440. I have it set to the Ultra with Ray Tracing Preset (ultra ray tracing, balanced DLSS) with chromatic aberration turned off (absolute must for ultra wide). Framerate is between 48 and 65.

is that why the sides are blurry? From chromatic aberration being on? I can see it on my 27 in monitor. 
My 2080 Ti is chugging along. I'm getting 80-100 FPS with DLSS set to quality and RT turned off. RT on was 50-60 FPS. 
2020/12/10 12:16:13
Looks like it shall be yet another day without Kingpin emails.


I am confident that when EVGA means Monday...they mean Monday (at the earliest).  But, let's check tomorrow anyway....  

I hadn’t heard EVGA say Monday, but rather, “next week.” Do you know something we don’t? Otherwise, “next week” could mean “next Friday.”
I've tried optimism, but that hasn't gotten most of us very far.  Now I'm giving pessimism a try. 

I am a glass is overflowing kind of guy, I guess.    
2020/12/10 12:27:50
I’ve got a funny feeling we might see some movement in the KPE queue tomorrow. This isn’t based on anything at all, just a funny feeling. I’m probably wrong, but I hope I’m right.

I hope so but I don’t think we will see anything until Monday unfortunately 💔 Looking at cyberpunk 2077 videos and I want to play it but I’m going to wait until I get my 3090 kingpin 😶

Thankfully it runs fine on my 2080ti I couldn't keep waiting. Still need to decide on a monitor for the 3090. Can't decide between 2k 240 and 4k 144 :(

I went ahead and installed it and played it for 3 hours last night on my FTW3 2080 Ti. This game so far appears to not like any memory OC past +1000 on my 2080 Ti. Kept getting crashes anything over +1000 on the memory. But i was able to play it getting 90-110 FPS on my 1440p panel doing a +110 on the core and +1000 on memory with DLSS & Ray Tracing on and all other settings maxed out. Played smooth for me, no complaints.

I am getting a persistent crash too with my 2080ti. Dropping ram to 4266 and dropping core and ring to 53/49 didn’t help. I’ll try +1000 vram. The vram on this card has degraded quite a bit. When I got the card in July, +1350 was stable. Now I’m seeing minor artifacts at +1220.

Otherwise looks great at 3440x1440. I have it set to the Ultra with Ray Tracing Preset (ultra ray tracing, balanced DLSS) with chromatic aberration turned off (absolute must for ultra wide). Framerate is between 48 and 65.

 try under +1000vram. idk why but once i turned it to +990 i havent had any glitches or crashes. My card was stable at closer to +1050 (lost the silicone lottery, only stable at +60 core) until i updated drivers and started playing this game. Could be something with the new driver? hopefully the 3090 doesnt have these issues and will be more stable.

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