2020/12/08 18:41:45
How do you sign up for the notify I can't :(

For the Kingpin? It was only open for sub 30 seconds several weeks ago. It is supposed to re open at some point in December. Hybrid only for now. 
2020/12/08 18:47:24
If they plan on selling a stand alone block, I would assume they would and could sell one with the card on it and or vice versa. I'm sure it will come out eventually. Of course, they would make more money selling the Hybrid only and then the block only at a later date. Probably piss a lot of people off if they did that after showing it off. 
Too bad they did not team up with a block MFG similar to what ASUS and EK did. I thought that was pretty cool. I'm sure that would have sped up the process. 

If I recall correctly, I think the blocks earlier in their history were from EK (900 series?). But I think around 10 series they started pushing their own as the official HC blocks. Could be wrong on that one.

But for 20 series KPE, they never released an official HC. You had to buy the hybrid and then buy the block (which was pricey since there was an OLED on the block).

Right I remember that. I didn't look twice at the Turing KPE since it was double the cost of the Black lol. I always wanted one though. I did see someone mention they did a limited run on the Turing KPE HC blocks and basically ran out and that was it. Weird as that is what I assume to be a lot of R&D to still have outstanding demand go unfulfilled. I'm sure they had a reason. So did the HC block have the OLED as well? You essentially had to pay for 2 OLEDS? Hope a possible future stand alone is no more than a standard block.  
2020/12/09 05:49:20
So next week, more 8 hour to purchase Kingpin emails might go out Jacob said correct? I'm way at the bottom of the list (dead last lol) so it will probably be more like next next next next week for me I assume right? I don't mind I am still waiting for my motherboard to come in and Lian Li Distro plate from EKWB but was just curious.
2020/12/09 05:51:04
At that point I wouldn't mind if he said "alright Ivan the KP HC is ready want to just go with that instead of the Hybrid?" I'd be like umm hell yeahhh!! In my dreams though haha
2020/12/09 06:30:26
Here's to hoping they find some Kingpins under the couch cushions at EVGA today and send out some emails!  I don't wanna wait until next week. :)
2020/12/09 06:44:29
Here's to hoping they find some Kingpins under the couch cushions at EVGA today and send out some emails!  I don't wanna wait until next week. :)

Agreed! And let’s hope it’s a BIG couch! 🛋
2020/12/09 06:46:26
What's everyone getting on gaming clocks?
2020/12/09 06:54:35
I know the pcb is different. I was asking if they’ll sell the kingpin with a block preinstalled. Which the dude I quoted apparently is saying they won’t

This dude, being me, believes from experience, that it makes financial sense and only having limited supply, to not produce KP Hydro's, yet, OR at all. We were strung along by Jacob with the 2080 KP only in the end to find out there would be no KP HC. Instead we had the opportunity to buy a Hydrocopper block. It was cheap and defective for about 600 for two cards. No one said they will not be making a preinstalled block and using an alias is Bush-League. No apparently.
2020/12/09 07:02:59
how can I get notification for next batch? or how can I check if I am on notify list?
2020/12/09 07:37:41
how can I get notification for next batch? or how can I check if I am on notify list?

Auto notify likely won’t be open again before 12/15.

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