2020/12/07 20:51:25
That 14,516 score has me happy enough that I'm in the queue.
I was able to get 14,330 on a a 3090 FTW3 ULTRA GAMING (result link isn't working for some reason, but just type in 3dmark[dot]com/pr/495960 ) but temps were 77C and goodness the fan noise was jet engine status. This was in a Thermaltake Core X71 with plenty of airflow and am ambient temperature of about 19.5C. I'm completely comfortable with slightly higher or comparable performance but the noise level is going to be where this thing shines for me. Plus I'm giving the existing FTW3 in my current build to my brother in law for his first PC build tomorrow, so it's not like the current card isn't going to a great forever home. :)
Keep posting results everyone with various BIOS, offsets, etc!
2020/12/07 23:51:42
Just took myself off the auto-queue in hopes for a hydro copper kingpin. Watch them only sell the block as a separate kit lmao.
2020/12/08 08:10:14
Just took myself off the auto-queue in hopes for a hydro copper kingpin. Watch them only sell the block as a separate kit lmao.

Not sure why you needed to remove yourself...If I were lucky enough to have secured a spot, I would want to keep it until I had a final decision...if only to preserve my flexibility.  That said, those of us without a position on the queue...we salute you!  Best of luck on your Hydro Copper K|NGP|N quest.
2020/12/08 09:00:35
Ok, take two...
So this is supposed to be the week the queue gets its K|NGP|Ns. 
Here is the updated North American queue for Tuesday morning (through 6:00:43):
Position                Forum Tag                   Time Stamp
1                         wertyoxxx1                 6:00:40 AM
2                         rodarkone                   6:00:41 AM
3                         NotoriouS^                 6:00:41 AM
4                         EVOBert                     6:00:41 AM
5                         ggorini950                  6:00:41 AM
6                         Rickifast                     6:00:41 AM
7                         Keeph8n                     6:00:41 AM
8                         sormaz                       6:00:41 AM
9                         nycx360                     6:00:42 AM
10                       maxsul                       6:00:42 AM
11                       patrickisfrench            6:00:42 AM
12                       stopthefomo               6:00:43 AM
13                       loudee16                    6:00:43 AM
14                       ds760                         6:00:43 AM
15                       Mathieas                     6:00:43 AM
16                       Todeseng3I                 6:00:43 AM
17                       jspataro99                  6:00:43 AM
18                       Fuzzypunks                 6:00:43 AM
19                       flyingtoaster85            6:00:43 AM
20                       royaleijiang                 6:00:43 AM
21                       cfieber                        6:00:43 AM
22                       Brodytn                      6:00:43 AM
The full North American queue that we've documented can be found here: K|NGP|N Queue Tranche #1 - Google Sheets
If the K|NGP|Ns do drop today, orders in before 2 pm PT should ship same day (that may matter for those of the queue that care about Cyberpunk 2077...).  So, do an extra check of your in-box around 1:45 pm PT.   
Best of luck today!  
2020/12/08 09:14:19
Thx for the update. Fingers crossed today is the day! 
2020/12/08 09:21:01
Pardon me but I hope the K|NGP|IN's were not included in the theft from NVIDIA's factory in China
2020/12/08 09:22:50
Pardon me but I hope the K|NGP|IN's were not included in the theft from NVIDIA's factory in China

I thought it was just MSI units that got hit...is this a different theft?
2020/12/08 09:55:19
Typically what time do the emails go out? I'm eagerly awaiting but  don't want to miss the email notice because I'm washing my car or something.
2020/12/08 10:00:17
Typically what time do the emails go out? I'm eagerly awaiting but  don't want to miss the email notice because I'm washing my car or something.

There is usually a morning drop window (say 9:30 to 11:30 am PT) and an afternoon drop window (say 12:30 to 2:30).
2020/12/08 10:02:54
Typically what time do the emails go out? I'm eagerly awaiting but  don't want to miss the email notice because I'm washing my car or something.

You have eight hours after receiving your email in which to make your purchase.  Hopefully your car is clean by then!

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