jamexr Jacob acknowledged it and XOC bioses with resizeable BAR are coming.
tmeyer155jamexr Jacob acknowledged it and XOC bioses with resizeable BAR are coming.I must have missed this; is the quote on a diff site?
jamexrtmeyer155jamexr Jacob acknowledged it and XOC bioses with resizeable BAR are coming.I must have missed this; is the quote on a diff site? Twitter.
jamexrjamexrtmeyer155jamexr Jacob acknowledged it and XOC bioses with resizeable BAR are coming.I must have missed this; is the quote on a diff site? Twitter.Jesus man, can't take my word for it huh? ;)
jamexrjamexrtmeyer155jamexr Jacob acknowledged it and XOC bioses with resizeable BAR are coming.I must have missed this; is the quote on a diff site? Twitter.Jesus man, can't take my word for it huh? ;)https://imgur.com/a/tqjB6aY