CriznitHas anyone tried flashing this card with the asus strix bios? What were the results?
DeadPoOL_jlpI accidentally upgraded to the new bios like a moron and am now fighting to revert to the original one. I'm not exactly good at this...But I will do the fan curve once I fix the bios issue.
tostrandWhy does this pop up trying to update vbios according to instructions in beginning of this thread? Anything to do with Norton, it blocked it the first time, but it's added to exclusions, should not interfere anymore.
jamexrtostrandWhy does this pop up trying to update vbios according to instructions in beginning of this thread? Anything to do with Norton, it blocked it the first time, but it's added to exclusions, should not interfere anymore. would recommend you to uninstall Norton, worst malware of a program. Just use windows defender is good enough.