schmak01If I want to flash back to stock BIOS for the normal profile can someone let me know which one it is? The .88 the the OC and the .87 is the Normal for the XOC Beta Bioses, but I'm not sure if the .70 or .9C is the stock normal BIOS, which is the only one I want to flash back to. Since I can't find anywhere on this thread a direct download for the stock bioses, this appears to be the only place I can find them I figured it would be easy to test by seeing if the fans are spinning when I updated. It's the .70 bios for normal, .9C for OC if anyone else wants to flash back to stock.
nolaes619schmak01If I want to flash back to stock BIOS for the normal profile can someone let me know which one it is? The .88 the the OC and the .87 is the Normal for the XOC Beta Bioses, but I'm not sure if the .70 or .9C is the stock normal BIOS, which is the only one I want to flash back to. Since I can't find anywhere on this thread a direct download for the stock bioses, this appears to be the only place I can find them I figured it would be easy to test by seeing if the fans are spinning when I updated. It's the .70 bios for normal, .9C for OC if anyone else wants to flash back to stock. I really hope someone here rom EVGA can tell us what is the original bios is
QueueCumberI just wanted to note in this thread that the 3080 FTW3 Ultra I bought my son overclocks less on the XOC Bios and can't maintain as high of an overclock as it did previously on this new Bios.
KingEngineRevUp Normal bios OC Bios
Paddy32KingEngineRevUp Normal bios OC Bios This is for the EGVA FTW3 ULTRA model. What about the EVGA FTW3 mode ?