2020/10/20 18:09:24
is this okay i'm hitting over 450 watt of usage while playing Metro Exodus in 4k/with ray tracing/ultra setting  temps is around 65-70 degree should i be worried? I did apply the OC BIOS to get 450, just a little surprise that I was drawing 450+ power. I'am OC 130+ /1000+

Technically speaking the card can handle way more than 450W and be fine.  The YouTubers that are doing "extreme" cooling with ice water are mostly using an 800W BIOS from what I hear & they haven't blown up their cards (yet).
I've seen up to around 465W of draw so far from the card during testing, but most of the time it tops out in the 450-460 range, but I also haven't run Metro Exodus yet.  You can always back your clocks off a tiny bit if you're not comfortable with that much power draw.
But according to the accepted power specs for plugs on the card, these cards should be capable of:
PCIe Slot + 8-Pin + 8-Pin + 8-pin = 75W + 150W + 150W + 150W = 525W - so as long as you're not hitting 500W+, you should be completely fine, if you're getting up there towards that, you're putting a fair amount of stress on the PCIe slot, which is not good for the motherboard unless you have supplemental power plugged in to the board (which most newer gen boards at least on the Intel side DO NOT have supplemental power for PCIe like X79/X99/X299 do).
That's when you'd be getting in to actually unsafe realms.
What's your actual maximum power draw seen so far?
2020/10/20 18:19:29
Yup thanks for advice, my pc just crash lol, I'm connected to a pretty good UPC, I saw 456 draw then all of a sudden I hear a beep and notice that it was my UPS that went out, then my pc just lost power lol.. I have a corsairHX1000i and connected to this www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000QZ3UG0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 maybe i should be connected to a wall outlet? Anyways for now I revert back to normal 400 watt, maybe I should get better PSU. Also how did you find this out? PCIe Slot + 8-Pin + 8-Pin + 8-pin = 75W + 150W + 150W + 150W = 525W  what monitor can i use to check my PCIe slot power draw
2020/10/20 18:26:06
Yeah the UPS is the problem.  Plug in to the "SURGE ONLY" plugs on it, that is insufficient wattage to handle your entire system.  Plugged in to that you'll at least still have surge protection, which is very important.
You should be completely fine on the 450W BIOS by the way.  What's probably happening is, if your CPU is OCed at all, your system as a whole is probably drawing in the 600-700W range, which even the best PSUs would be pulling around 650-750W from the wall, so that's why it tripped your UPS' system up.
The Power draw I listed is the maximum "safe" wattage you can draw from each plug, not what the card will actually draw necessarily.
You can see what your card is (roughly) drawing from each thing by using GPUz, here's an example of what it looks like (on the right):

With my card @ +130MHz Core, +800 vRAM, I was seeing 52.4W from the PCIe slot, 124+131+126W from the 8-Pins, total board draw was 434W, but that's on Port Royal.  I did see up to about 460W in one test, I'll have to find which one it was...
Edit: To be clear, your PSU itself is NOT the issue most likely, that is a quality Power Supply unit.  The Backup Power is the issue that's causing the blink-out for sure, insufficient wattage to handle the draw of your system's full bore.
Edit 2: this is the UPS I'm using, I've never had it "blink out" on me yet, despite my system drawing in to the 1100+W range when I was running 2x Titan Xp's in SLi a few years ago, I got it on sale during Holiday Sales about 4 years ago for somethin' like $109: https://smile.amazon.com/...i-Tower/dp/B00429N19W/
2020/10/20 18:38:02
I see didn't know UPS could of been a culprit, will try to just plug it into the surge and see what happens. My CPU is overclock and nice score on Port Royal. But very skeptic on OC BIOS, when it was working fine, I notice higher temps, I guess it really will be optimize once this card gets water cooled or some better form of cooling gets release. Oh thank you for all your help :)
2020/10/20 18:45:39
I see didn't know UPS could of been a culprit, will try to just plug it into the surge and see what happens. My CPU is overclock and nice score on Port Royal. But very skeptic on OC BIOS, when it was working fine, I notice higher temps, I guess it really will be optimize once this card gets water cooled or some better form of cooling gets release. Oh thank you for all your help :)

Yeah I would try that, the shut down should not happen if you're plugged in to surge only & you run the same scenario again, same game same settings.  I would be shocked if it's tripping your PSU's over-current protection, that would mean you're drawing in excess of probably 1100W as most Corsair units are high quality & will run"over spec" without shutting down.  
2020/10/20 18:59:30
Yeah the UPS is the problem.  Plug in to the "SURGE ONLY" plugs on it, that is insufficient wattage to handle your entire system.  Plugged in to that you'll at least still have surge protection, which is very important.
You should be completely fine on the 450W BIOS by the way.  What's probably happening is, if your CPU is OCed at all, your system as a whole is probably drawing in the 600-700W range, which even the best PSUs would be pulling around 650-750W from the wall, so that's why it tripped your UPS' system up.
The Power draw I listed is the maximum "safe" wattage you can draw from each plug, not what the card will actually draw necessarily.
You can see what your card is (roughly) drawing from each thing by using GPUz, here's an example of what it looks like (on the right):

With my card @ +130MHz Core, +800 vRAM, I was seeing 52.4W from the PCIe slot, 124+131+126W from the 8-Pins, total board draw was 434W, but that's on Port Royal.  I did see up to about 460W in one test, I'll have to find which one it was...
Edit: To be clear, your PSU itself is NOT the issue most likely, that is a quality Power Supply unit.  The Backup Power is the issue that's causing the blink-out for sure, insufficient wattage to handle the draw of your system's full bore.
Edit 2: this is the UPS I'm using, I've never had it "blink out" on me yet, despite my system drawing in to the 1100+W range when I was running 2x Titan Xp's in SLi a few years ago, I got it on sale during Holiday Sales about 4 years ago for somethin' like $109: https://smile.amazon.com/...i-Tower/dp/B00429N19W/

I still don't understand why my card draws 110W/150W/80W from the 8 pin connectors. I have tried swapping them around and nothing changes. Your card shares the power really nicely between connectors but mine still has this big imbalance. I upgraded to a 1000W power supply yesterday and nothing has changed. I don't understand!
2020/10/20 20:36:53
I still don't understand why my card draws 110W/150W/80W from the 8 pin connectors. I have tried swapping them around and nothing changes. Your card shares the power really nicely between connectors but mine still has this big imbalance. I upgraded to a 1000W power supply yesterday and nothing has changed. I don't understand!

Well when it comes down to it, that doesn't actually matter unless you're going over the rating of a single plug.  Is the PSU you got multi rail or single rail?  If it's single rail, it should be completely fine.
Are you on the Beta XOC BIOS or the standard OC bios?  I think I saw similar power-spread issues on the stock BIOS & the XOC one is the one used in the screencap above, that leveled it out more.
2020/10/20 21:11:03
Well when it comes down to it, that doesn't actually matter unless you're going over the rating of a single plug.  Is the PSU you got multi rail or single rail?  If it's single rail, it should be completely fine.
Are you on the Beta XOC BIOS or the standard OC bios?  I think I saw similar power-spread issues on the stock BIOS & the XOC one is the one used in the screencap above, that leveled it out more.

Single rail, using the standard, OC and XOC, the power delivery is always imbalanced regardless of bios used. Nothing seems to change it.
My top score in Port Royal is 12388 so I am not exactly suffering for performance, but little things like this make me wonder where else I can optimise things further. XOC bios doesn't yield me any improvements at all either so I think that's something of a hard limit for my card.
2020/10/20 21:17:27
Ok I just realize that I installed the BIOS in wrong switch position am I screwed?, computer is still running and getting 450 watt, but I would like to have correct bios on correct switch.
BIOS 1 (Normal) - Did not install it yet. So can I install this while my physical switch is on Normal position? Also if I did install this BIOS1 Normal my power limit should be back at 400watt?
BIOS 2 (OC) - I install this but physical switch was on Normal position and getting 450watt.  Would like to install this again while on OC Switch position.
So can I install both BIOS 1 for 1
BIOS1 Normal on Normal position switch and then do the same with BIOS2 (OC) while on the OC Physical switch? 
Or just let it be, 450 watt is on Normal position switch, and 400 watt is on OC position switch, does it matter as long as everything is working?
2020/10/20 22:06:25
Follow the procedure listed at the beginning of the thread.
If you put one in the wrong spot, it's no big deal, you can reflash with the utility provided.  I would correct it so the OC BIOS is on the OC switch, just so you don't forget later on that it's "backwards".

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