2021/05/25 12:18:45
What's the diff between NORMAL and DEFAULT?
2021/05/28 10:59:56
I have 2 GPUS in my system how does the program choose which one it will update. I want to run this but don't want it to update the wrong GPU does anyone have any experience with this?
2021/06/01 23:21:20
I have 2 GPUS in my system how does the program choose which one it will update. I want to run this but don't want it to update the wrong GPU does anyone have any experience with this?

I saw a youtube video on this, but you can google it, is a pretty easy find. Also , do you do SLI for your GPU?
2021/06/02 09:57:37
Excited to try this out! I have a 3080 card on the way (first EVGA card ever) and can't wait to see the differences between certain manufacturers. EVGA has a great rep so i'm truly looking forward to this.
2021/06/02 10:30:15
I have 2 GPUS in my system how does the program choose which one it will update. I want to run this but don't want it to update the wrong GPU does anyone have any experience with this?

I saw a youtube video on this, but you can google it, is a pretty easy find. Also , do you do SLI for your GPU?

No i dont, i have a 3090 and 3080
2021/06/02 11:29:53

2021/06/02 11:30:45
2021/06/02 11:47:17
Def had temp issues when fan cooled but since switching to the hybrid cooling kit its been ice cold :)
2021/06/02 12:10:38
I'm a huge fan of the FTW series. Excited to upgrade to the newest 30 series.
2021/06/02 19:35:30
Hopefully I wont mess up my bios.

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