Increasing power limit will give you diminishing returns to your frame rate. Unless you want a higher overclock resulting only 1-2 percent performance uplift, l strongly recommend using regular power limit. Specially considering the scarcity of 3080.
Well there is a difference so you might as well use it. 3080 FTW3 operating a consistent 2,085-2,115mhz (+90 core, +1000 mem) with the 450w limit will be about 5-10% faster than a stock 3080 FE. I'll take it because it's stable and gets you about half way to a stock 3090 FE. Not as great as a 2080 Ti which can get +15-20% over a stock card, but we're talking 260w vs. ~375w on those. What's particularly nice about the 450W bios is that it doesn't ride the power limit at 2,100mhz, even with 4K VRR it uses 350-425w with a medium-high gaming load (RDR2), so it can clock consistently.
Of course, the stock 3080 FTW3 out of the box has a 380w 100% limit and higher boost clocks, so any OC is not as dramatic.