What is your whole set up?
i9 9900K @ 5GHz
TUF Z390-Pro Gaming Mobo
32GB Corsair Vengeance Pro
Which Vengeance Pro kit do you have? 3200? 3600? Are you running XMP? Try to give the specific model SKU. Example: "CMW32GX4M2C3200C16". Once you know, look up the QVL for your motherboard to check to see if your kit has been validated by Asus. If not, turn off XMP and set the ram to the spec for the CPU (2666mhz) and the timings for the kit.
I recently assisted with troubleshooting a 9900k which was getting blue-screens in certain games w/ a 2070 Super. The RAM kit was not on the QVL list and disabling XMP and setting the memory speed as explained above solved the issue.
Also, which BIOS version is installed on the motherboard? Version 2808 was released 2020/07/27 and claims to improve stability.
Note that sometimes, a reboot w/o a blue-screen can still be an OS crash.
Another option would be to back off the power target to 80-85%. See if reduced power limit prevents the crash/reboot.