I disagree. Or, should I say "not necessarily"? I agree, with caveats. And I disagree, with caveats. Therefore I cannot agree with such a simple "it's better" or "it's worse" without testing or discussing the caveats.
4 x 470 microfarads plus 20 x 47 microfarads can easily perform better than 60 x 47 microfarads across a wide range of frequencies.
IF those 60 x MLCCs are a variety of different capacities, that's one thing. But if they are all the same capacitance value, they can be shown to be inferior across a wide frequency range. When dealing with a wide frequency range, variety is often preferable.
The capacitors themselves: better versus worse can easily be proven. When installed on a complex device, its no longer that simple.
If you already understand what bypass capacitors are and why they are used, skip to the 10 minute mark in the following video, and then watch him -- an electrical engineer -- explain why various bypass capacitance values are used in combination with eachother for improved frequency response: